Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Nothing going on so I made hash

Bubble machine for 2 @ 20 minute runs
160 , = trash
73 & 25 mixed

Freezer for a few hours only
Broken up on cheese grater

Processed like frenchy
Melts nicely



Those are going to be some awesome plants when they are fully done!

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Thanks my friend
Stop by anytime


I’ve come to the conclusion that I need more light
With the new tent the California lightworks 550 full spectrum just ain’t big enough @ifish @webeblzr
What’s your thoughts
@webeblzr i believe you mentioned you had or used one ?
I do find when it’s at the max hight of the tent it works just fine but when the plant takes over the tent the sides suffer and the buds are airy

So temporarily I purchased a par of 48 inch led strip lights full spectrum 70 watts each total 140 supplemental lighting according to the specifications
So until . I find what I want or build it these will due

I used cheap ones once before in my smaller tent and it seemed to do what I needed

But I think I want to add 2 @Mars-Hydro.LED light bars I think the 36 in one would do it
One on each side would cover enough area

Have to save up or get a big discount from the @MarsHydro people to buy it now hint hint so I’ll need to wait

Thanks for stopping by


They need to let you test them.

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Hi all just a few notes
Big tent day 26 from flip
The tent is filling up and everything looks healthy and happy
Light is at its highest level and the plants are only 4 inches below hopefully they will top growing lol

@santero ’s nyc sour is a beast the 2 in the Octopot are 47 inches tall and even the ones in the 2 gallon fabric bags are huge I can wait to see them finish

@Islayhearts it also tall 40 inches tall and stacking nicely

@HolyAngel ssdd f2 is a stocky beast she’s aa shortie but is stacking and building nicely

Sorry the pics aren’t great I have no room to get around

The small tent
Is bursting at the seems
Had to super crop 2 of the 5 plants
They are only inches away from the light
Hay @Upstate when do they stop stretching lol :laughing: :star_struck::crazy_face::sunglasses:
I feed them last night I’ve been keeping the ppms low ( 550 to 600 not including my waters ppms )
And only feeding every other watering

And look
She’s got babies lol


I have four of those lights and they’ve been working great for the last year or so. Hope they work well for you :partying_face:


Great to hear thanks


Many lights are on sale now. You can use code MarsOG to save an extra 3%. :grinning:


The man is on the hunt for new lights. Growing isn’t cheap. Good equipment goes a long way. Saving money helps. I’m sure he would do a little dancing. It was cool of you to reply. He does some nice growing.

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Damn. I remember when $60 bought a 1/4 from the streets. And thats up to $100 / qtr these days. $60 for 1/8th? F that… TOO rich for my blood, electricity costs less :wink:

Looking good there Papa!


I remember getting a half of brick weed for $60. Then again I also remember paying $60 an eight for top shelf back then and the dispo stuff today would definitely stand next to the top shelf back then. When it’s legal though there/s no reason for it to cost that much.


Yup, and ounces of brick, broken into “Triple S Weed” - Seeds, stems and shake, for $100 on Jerome Ave in the Bronx. ROFL to think I used to have to go INTO NYC for bud when I was in college.


Hey papa, is a pic from 2016, a Back to the Congo on the left and a Hammer Of Dawn on the right. These also grew up, so I could not raise it any more.
I bought this LED used, as the commercial grower that purchased it, brought it back to the shop I use, and wanted something else.
So this LED is a couple of years old, as your shown in the pics.
They, California Lighthouse, I’m sure have redesigned them by now.
Yes, I did hang it over the Tubs, last run. It is still hanging.
This run, the plants are more under my GrowLightsAustralia LED, so I did not plug in the CaliLED, this run.
Prawn Connery, did a smashing good job with GLA’s LED design. Trust me, I really wrestled, and researched all the main players, in the game.
Hell I had sold $4000.00 worth of HLG’s, for the shop, to a commercial friend’s set up, a year and half before finding GLA.
I have bought a few LED’s starting early on in the LED shit show era 2010 to 2015.
Nor do I consider myself some expert of anything. Please I’m not selling anything nor want to. But I do love a good deal. However good deals are not always the cheapest way. I did not buy GLA as it was not the cheapest LED, but it generates the EMB range I want exactly, for me and my area. I will be adding their Buddies to my areas this year also.


Nice light
I see the sell the dyi parts

Thanks for the info

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Damn! Turning into a jungle in there lol. They stretch til day 70 for the tall phenos. Side branches lengthen more than height gain overall in the second half of the stretch. I’d ease up on the nutes just a little now, and use very little nitrogen after week 8. Looking great!


Low N in flower for sure
The Oax I’ll cut back on feeding them once every 3 weeks or so very light at 300 ppms

The pro mix I use has no nutrients in it at all so we’ll see if I need to adjust

I may need to do more super cropping
So far only a few branches needed to be adjusted

I may need a bigger boat lol


New lights arrived only 1 problem the clip holding the lights up are very loose even fell on me
But a pair of pliers and a squeeze a little bit all good but I reinforced it a bit anyway for piece of mind

It’s a true 47 .5 inches so it pushes against the walls of the tent once all wires ar installed

I don’t see it being a problem but I’m checking it for heat I may just line the tent wall with something to deflect the heat maybe tinfoil ?

Very bright covers all the corners and dark spots



So far very happy it’s a tight fit in the 48 in tent but it exactly What I wanted !

Hits all the shadowed area


Good thing nothing got hurt.

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