Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Agreed!! I think the commercial industry is shit… they are ruining the plant as we know it . And all the same people that used to vote to put us in jail… I say let’s compete… make sure they don’t make it lol… fuck em… where I’m at the dispensaries can’t even label shit right… indicas are hybrids … sativas are indica Dom hybrid etc… they claim its the breeders… either way it’s bs and they do NOT treat it on a medical scale … which in my mind should be at this point a criminal offense just like if a med company mislabeled a drug for anything else… LITIGATION. . That’s what they need to come correct… and all the while most anyone doing it at home is far better. Better products better genetics… better care… makes the commercial industry a stomach turning thing… so sick of seeing rich people screw up products with their “ideas”


No i don’t know that # I don’t use a ppfd meter

But they don’t seem to mind it they like the light up close

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Well I agree with that because they just dropped sales tax on medicinal completely :kissing_heart:


look’n good, papa …
hope u enjoy the nyc sour later on.

i just send out a pigeon your way.
very sorry for taking so long, bro.

i’ll tag along and enjoy the show :slight_smile:


Would be cool to see what the number is ya know.?

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Thanks @santero much appreciated ! Hopefully all is well on your side of the pond :pray:



It would be but then I’ll need to check every thing then

No that’s not me anymore I need simple stupid in my live now
I try to grow simple easy something’s are not needed to know especially at this stage of my life

I do need to improve my lighting
I love the California lightworks full spectrum 500 it serves me well but it need supplemental lighting when they get big

But to maintain proper light distribution it needs to be at min of 24 inches above the canopy and at times depending on strains I don’t have the over head ( that’s why I got the 80 inch tent :crazy_face:)

When this tent goes I’ll just go open no tent full ceiling hight I got 96 inches total that should do it

For now I installed 2 @ 24 inch full spectrum led strips it helps a lot


Hay @ifish
I was looking at the jacks web site there’s a feeding schedule there that recommended week 1 of transition to go with a 0/50/30
I haven’t seen any talk about it but may do a side by side test next run just for ha ha’s

I could see lowering the n at the 3 week like we normally do and I have done a 10/30/20 plus a 0/50/30 boost at equal parts and the bud development was very quick , with hard , dense large buds but it was the first time I ever got bud rot



I see… no I was just saying I wonder what differences are between our lights… I am the opposite… for now… using all the meters to learn the flow of things type deal… then after many successful grows I’m sure there will be no need anymore… but reason I initially bought the ppfd meter… is with trolmaster I can set the ppfd… not percentage strength… to a certain number and trolmaster will adjust up and down for me… but then I thought later… that’s just hard on an expensive light… so now it’s just a reference :roll_eyes:

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Paps There are many different feed sheduals out there pushing in many different directions at different stages

If going a 0/50/30 in stretch then before and after extra n maybe needed , thus changing the shedule to suit : )
Deffo good to experiment and see , no extra n maybe needed and it might help control stretch , you won’t know till you try : )


Ok I couldn’t resist

Amazon prime day got me

Rositeck press was looking at it 2 days ago for 240

Today 189 2 ton press 3x3 plate

It’s big enough for me


Took a look at the Oaxaca tent

The one lady in the back is a different phenom ( call her #1 Oax
Out of the 5 plants she’s the only one with a different bud type ( more airy the the others and took about 5 more days to develop

My pollinated plant took very well looks like there will be a bunch of seeds this run

As a side note I did pollinate a chocolate rain in the main tent also and she is also going to produce a good amount of seeds woo hoo

All plants not topped are at the light or above it

The ones I topped are staying about 5 inches below the light

Next run with Oaxaca they will all get topped they don’t mind topping or mainline style training either ( the one in the 3 gallon is mainlined )

I believe this is how I’ll run my Sativa’s from now on
But the next tent I buy to replace this one will be 80 inches tall instead of 57


#1 Oax

Bud style of the others

The one good thing is I can still remove them to prune and water the bad thing is hand watering lol spoiled by my Octopots

Hay @Hamme if I try you method I’ll start small in the 24 x 24 tent
I may need a little help from you and @ifish if I switch things up ( Like usual I always need help )

Maybe next run



Amazing Work paps : )
They look great


Thanks bro I’m not a sativa guy as you may know I like my indica
But this sounded like some of the old time happy weed I miss so let hope I don’t screw up this 13 to 16 weeks flowering time
I’ve got 12 to 14 more weeks to go oh shit lol



Will be nice Christmas smoke : )


That’s the only problem. 16 is a long time. But it will be worth it.

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Which male or pollen did you use?? And let me know how that press works out for you. Buddy of mine has been looking for a non expensive one for a while.

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Pap is in bed. Lol

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Hi slyer I used the pollen from an Oaxacana male he was tall and lanky like his sisters I let one of your chocolate rain ladies get cozy and played a little Marvin Gay music turned out the lights and gave them some privacy lol when I looked in n them there was white stuff everywhere :crazy_face:
It looks like she’s loaded time will tell
Your more then welcome to some of the offspring lol
When there ready I’ll send some them your way my brother

Now the press I still need to get use to it .
I did 2 successful presses the first 2 I didn’t read or follow the instructions lol so I wasted them but the next 2 I got some nice wax . The press is manual so it takes a bit of effort

Yep I was sleeping that wax knocked me out lol


Had a good night with the wife. I smoked some that knocked me out. I had alot on my mind last night. Been thinking about this move.