Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Hi small tent
All falling over
Day 77
Oaxacana string of pearls


I think you are dead on here. From what I read, contrary to popular thought, small amounts of CBD adds legs( duration) to a high, which can last three or four hours or more. Two or three percent seems to be a good number for this effect. One of the reasons the old hash was held in such high regard was the CBD that was in there gave a nice long leveling effect to The Buzz.


That looks awesome! It’s going to add up to be more pot than what you’re thinking. And I meant to tell you before that the calyxes naturally get that large… are you sure they’re full of seed? I thought I had a bunch of seeds on my plant the first time I grew it seedless, but it was the calyx only.


And at a cost to the other hundreds of cannabinoids as well. Who knows what these cannabinoids do to the length of a high


Well the Oax is at 77 days it’s down hill from here


Time to free wheeeeeeel : )


How much longer? I am not wanting anything bigger than 3 gallon containers. I have done put myself back in the same situation. Not all of them but I know some of them will want to get tall. Lol 4.5 isn’t bad. 5gallon is a bit much. I have had a 1 foot tall plant in a 5 gallon container it is what it is. Use what you got.

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Yup not done yet

Let them finish PApa


Man so weird looking … I CANNOT get over that lol

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I think there’s a (commercial) reason for the lack of research on that fact… thank you my bro for helping to confirm this about cbd. So all In all… when I get to the point of breeding (should be like 100 years from now lol) I’d be sticking to raise the cbd in any and every strain to at least a 2 to 1 ratio thc/cbd if not the hefty 1 to 1 lol

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It is crazy looking.


Hey! How ya doing, long time no talk. Hope things are going well. My business has gone to shit, damn dispensaries are too convenient, cause I know it is not their product ha! Are you still growing in the Octopots?


LOL CBD is awesome, I was growing and using CBD before it was the Cool thing on the block. IT healed my back and brain damage, amazing medicine. It heals neurons and will heal a bone and make it harder to break. It works up the spine, it is perfect for back pain. I grow one called Tora Bora, high CBD with half as much THC, it works so well for pain. Folks should combine some CBD in their smoke and edibles, really bumps up the relief. They have also found CBD is best for hormonal type cancer. CBG is another one, but I have not used it enough to recommend it without experience. CBG does all CBD Does, but it Creates brain neurons. Another amazing cannabinoid but harder to get since it the precursor to CBD and THC.


I don’t think there is anything I can not medicate, except water :slight_smile: Need help, just holler. :slight_smile:


Haha I agree!!! Won’t be long before the mainstream public catches on to that bs though I hope lol… they don’t deserve the customers… the commercial industry…


Dumbest question ever asked lmao :laughing:

Who would use an octo ONCE then grow any other way ???

No one

I’m good glad you finally said hello GA


Thank you!!! I definitely will … also thanks for the explanation!!


Well good morning OG
It’s now 6:05 am been up like 2 hrs and just sitting on the deck with the dog smokin weed and drinking coffee

Hell my plants are still sleeping :sleeping: lol

Oh well

Who’s up


11.20 here : )
As the earth spins
As we sit here , whaat speed we actually doin lol


Just watching the sun come up and getting ready for the day just couldn’t sleep for some reason