Pap’s 2022 spring grow

Can’t remember the number but we have had about 30 days this year over 100. I think I saw 112 at one point. That’s hotter than the hinges of hell.


Full on fall day here. Windy and cool, but sunny. Leaves changing color and falling


That’s the way to start the day @BigMike55


It’s the start of fall here good I can turn the AC off


Same here… it’s chilly outside today

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Ok made a combo joint of the Oaxacana and the nyc.sour wow it works really well lol


I’ve been doing this too, lately. Mixing energetic with sedative strains.

It’s a nice smoke.





Getting my hot rod inspected before work

Only gonna be 95 here today


Oh my God the cold spell

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Morning Pap!! Had a cold front move through. 102* 2 days ago and 55* right now!!


83 yesterday 65 today, crazy weather.


97 here today

But my tents are 74


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I started by getting up earlier than usual and being out of the house an hour and a half early. I then proceeded to make this day my bitch :sunglasses: Might have preferred your day though!


Morning Papalag!
Chilly here this morning but gonna get in the 80’s
Damn I gotta check soil temps, I hope i didn’t miss the sweet spot for applying pre-emergent on the yard

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Good morning @buck90 how’s is going my friend

Well I think I my be winning the fight against the thrip invasion Captain jacks dead bug for the kill

Here’s a few pics

@SamwellBB port wine cheese
Beautiful structure starting to sex

Papa’s punch
Looks like the big one is beautiful lady 🫰fingers crossed!
The other is a male definitely also a bit of a mutant

Amnesia by underground seeds collective
The tall one looks like a girl still undecided
2have good structure and the one in the back corner got hit hard by the thrips

@santero strawberry razzmatazz
They got hammered by the thrips
There a bit smaller but coming around nicely
Trying to save them desperately

Sad how hard the thrips hit the sour Mac kids
I had to cut them back I’ll try to bring them around but they are so sad :disappointed: looking
If one survives she may get a fabric bag only to try
But she better be all that and a bag a chips hay @Jetdro is that how that goes lol

Frankie is doing well she and her sister clones have survived the thrips and looks a lot greener
They love the nitrogen
Octo-Frankie is now a week in the Octopot and I’m seeing new vertical growth and a very healthy color

I new today was a great day it’s 34 years today Momalag and I got married



they all look happy,Paps…wishing You a another great run!

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Happy Anniversary Pap!!

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Congratulations on the anniversary Pap and my sympathies Momalag. lol
No really man. That is great. Here’s to many more and may they get better and better as the years pass.

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Thanks @saxo by brother

I’m smoking some of San’s NYC sour the fingers phenom wow it’s a must have and not for the morning but oh well lol :joy:


Good Morning …enjoy!
i´m here with my pipe and some CUB & a Afternoon Cup o Tea,cause the temps dropped too over here…Fall is on the brink