Pap’s 2022 spring grow

I let mine veg for 90 days… She is a bushy slow grower. I kept most of the sugar leaves off the top of the stalks to give them more light. Be ready to trim! …everyday :slight_smile:

Geez since the late 90’s… I could never have a plant go that long… I would love know the genetic make up of that PK vs. the ones from today!

green Veg, Blue Flower, Orange Harvest
2022-10-19 13_37_48-CbeeInfo.xlsx - Excel



Thank you so much @Gravitys-Rainbow ! This is gonna be fun.

I’ll ask about the genetics when I get the gift.

The genetics were “…hidden and walked across the boarder somewhere in BC during the late 90’s to get it into Canada” he told me, “…and this cut is a cut from that cut that I’ve been keeping going for over 25 years now as it’s very-special.”

I’ve been shopping from the supplier this guy works at for over 10 years now so I’m honored to be one of the few he’s given it to.


@Pigeonman Hope your going to s1 that baby
I’m no1 on list haha sounds epic
: )


Sounds like a good plan. Im gonna make a mom, clone her and do this for him and all of us. :+1:


Right on , coooool : )

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When you harvest get the thing tested at a grow shop. I am doing all that with all my grows and we can compare :slight_smile: Not an exact as every seed / environment is different but we could compare.



Maybe some pollen will will do the long walk too : )

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Cards make it through when bubble mailers don’t.

:green_heart: :seedling:


U know I have hydrobuddy silly guy :laughing:

That’s what I meant… it may have been the Bubble mailer that got @Gravitys-Rainbow seeds caught by customs etc… the cards… I have put up to 3 flips in with success every time!! Sent to uk… canada… usa… never an issue yet!!


Raises hand :raised_hand:… … starts jumping!!! Raises other hand :raised_hand: lol… starts shouting!! ROFLMAO Remember me when it’s time??? :green_heart:

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Paps, I am officially Thrip free! Been a month, no signs, used DE and Dr. Zymes. :slight_smile: Think I am gonna sell clones ha!


In your state your good to go woo hoo

We can’t talk about it here dm me

I seem to be thrip free also

It feels good


Not selling to anyone in here lol that is kind of nuts, but I will respect that, but I can not even mention I would do it in my legal state where I am allowed, hell guess I have to shut my mouth huh. Cool! So we both got rid of the nasty buggers YAY!

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Captain jacks with spinosad and keeping an eye on the plants constantly.

All good news


Wish you could buy captain jacks in Canada .

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Anything with Spinosad will work. I use Monterry Garden Spray, spinosad is what works.

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Did not work for me, have no clue why, but DE and Dr Zymes worked for me. I always keep them under control with Captain Jacks, but could never rid myself of the lil buggers. It has been a month, so believe I have them conquered, no more funky leaves.

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I have become anal about my soil.
I got broad mites
Perhaps from Ffhf soil
Perhaps from my garden
But I don’t think they have reached this area yet from what I read.
Makes no difference
They were here somehow.

What I do now is fill up a grow bag with soil.
Put in tub
And soak all of it in boiling water .
And repeat for each pot.

Thrips …sigh
Hope i never meet them
But they seem not as insidious as broad mites.
They caused me to kill off
My whole grow
And clones and start from scratch.
Bacto or fish emulsions can be added to bring life back to soil.


I get my spinosad from a guy on eBay that works in a factory making ant killer , comes in pure form as a powder mixed in accitone in vial ( spelt wrong )
: )

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