Making seeds to give away. Buns are in the oven;}

High guys, I will be making some seeds to give away, like I said I would in my cherry cordial and queen anne’s revenge thread. I have pollinated a few lower branches of 2 phenos of afgoo x querkle, these are brother and sister crosses, and 4 pheno’s of queen anne’s revenge bred by norstar genetics for subcool. I used a afgoo x querkle male that I got out of some seeds from @Viva_Mexico for all crosses this round. He is stinky and looks and smells just like his stinky ass sister. Smells like a grape, chocolate, orange funk. Hopefully the seeds take. These will be very limited due to only pollinating a few lower branches. I saved pollen in the fridge and I cloned the dad. I have included some pics of SOME of the plants used.

<imgsrc="/uploads/default/original/3X/3/e/3ecb9ebd978556f4fed7c1b55a12d466695e430f.jpg" width=“281” height=“500”>


deleted my comment. after looking those aren’t hermaphrodites, those are male flowers that have fallen on the buds…:stuck_out_tongue: My bad. Share that love!!! Cheers @MrGreenStone


Haha, I made that same mistake awhile back on one of @buryseeds pics, I felt silly afterwards, At-least you caught your mistake, Burry had to point out to me that it was pollen from the pollination process…:laughing:


I’m glad you two posted, as that is what I thought too :grin:


Idk why, but those pics where the pollen sack are just hanging out and doing their thing.


Interested in seeing your results. Years ago I had the pleasure to test grow some querkle and it was amazing. Loved the grape flavor. Good luck

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sounds delicious, grape everything is my favourite lol, but i’m hardly in need and i have the afgoo x querkle already, will be following along anyways!

Those sound great @MrGreenStone

Impressive work done by @Viva_Mexico > @MrGreenStone :sunglasses:


That sounds really good! I love grape flavor. Good luck!


Sounds so delicious. I just listened to an interview by tad hussey on the pot cast with the Gooey breeder. This has really opened my ears to 1. Goo strains, and 2. Nor star genetic selections. Very cool to see this. I definitely hope to be lucky enough to get hands on some of your progeny. Best of luck in your harvest amigo! Peace


These guys look like the real thing in spades.



I remember The Goo was always my go to strain, at the Dispensary. The high was always very enjoyable, and the smell was an absolutely unique funk!

Very interesting project, good luck with your breeding.

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So are you breeding these to give away or?/these sounds like an awesome cross and would love to try it

If there are any crumbs left, I’ll gladly sign up & send a SASE w/postage. keep us posted. :slight_smile:
