Perpetual Autoflower 2x2 Help

Hi guys and Happy holidays to all of ya!
I was asking if someone could help me in Perpetual harvesting autos in a Little 2x2x5.
Actually I have 2 plants in 3 gallons pots,but I was wondering if 4 X2 gallon pots would be Better for Perpetual growing autoflowers…anyone has ideas?


I would stick with the smaller pots so you can grow more of a variety and/or for different phenos. There’s always a good chance that a seed from the same strain will be better then the others… as far as keeping up a cycle of fresh bud I’m not to sure on autos. Maybe start new seeds 2 or 3 weeks before harvest under compacts and repeat.


Thank you @corey ,I am sticking to your thread in 2x2 since you are very overgrower over there,I should consider 2 gallon x 4 smart pot Maybe,I don’t know though if It Is Better than my actual 2 plants 3 gallons Yield wise.

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No problem. I would think 2 gallon pots would be plenty for anow auto grown in a 2x2. Experiment, and you will figure out what’s good for you. Don’t hesitate to post or give advice/ask… your plants look great btw!

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Well,I finally came to conclusion the biobizz nutes chart Is very wrong with autos,so I Will cut to 1/3 or 1/4.I suspect I gave too much nutes.The girl on left almost finished week 9,the other Is 3 week ahead.I think I chop in some days,all Is Milky and going Amber slowly.
Anyway thank you, it’s an honor to follow your threads!
About asking for advice,this Is my plan,What do you think?Your opinion matters a lot to me:I Will order 4 x 2 gallons pots and keep the grow Perpetual with 20/4 or 24/0 cause of temperature and humidity during this time of year going in range with lights almost always on(but very pricey :frowning: ) and follow your thread for 2x2.Big congrats for you @corey

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Thanks @Andrexl! Sounds like you have a good plan! Just keep an on them if you decide to keep the lights on full time. It doesn’t hurt them first 2 or 3 weeks, but usually need 3 or 4 hours of rest once they get older.

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4x2gals will be way more than enough for a 2x2 if there happy, it allows more plants and if say one goes wrong you have others to compensate, one thing I’ll add about perpetual growing in smaller environments is your eventually gonna get in a battle where you have flowering plants hogging your space and younger plants stretching and trying to fight for space as they grow what happens is your gonna consistently have to manage and balance things whether feed placement different watering amount ect, I did perpetual for years though I find running in cycles
alot easier or at least groupings, so say 2 and 2 in you case .


You mean 2 plants in,bring them into week 6-7 and start more 2 plants from seed?Speaking of Autos obv

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Well if quicker formats and say factoring in germ times yeah every 5-6 weeks you start some seeds and alternate 2 through.


Doing so I Will not run out of space in the tent

Bigger the pot, bigger the plant. I’d go down to a 1 gallon in a 2x2, granted I have very limited experience with autos but they can get big af in a 3gallon, my fogdogs are as tall I am now if you include the grow bags. I’m 5’8 and one of em would be a good 4-6” taller if I didn’t train the top down.

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I decided to go 2 gallon X2 or x 4 pots
And keep geeming seeds at some point of week 6-7


I’d probably try 4 x plants in that small space…might trim up the bottoms as well to focus the energy into larger top colas! :slight_smile:

Just my .02



I have a scrog net I wanted to try,with lollipopping the 4 autos,but I never lollipopped,I only lsted

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I think with the combo of both you could get some really nice yields! Doing a perpetual harvest could be a bit tricky though…

The Blueberry Auto I just finished was grown in a 2G smart pot and was lollipoped…she yielded over 3 zips…



Scrog and Lollipop or scrog and lst?
That’s Amazing yield man

Awesome to see someone else trying this.
I came across a guy who does this and he inspired me to give it a try…
He said he plants 2x 5 gallon air pots. One month after popping the first 2, he starts another 2 seeds in 1 gallon air pots so he can harvest roughly once a month or so… I’m about to get seeds germinated and give it a go I’m gonna use 2 gallon pots instead for a few runs, I should have a log up in the next few weeks


Nice,be sure to link It Down when you start It,I am currently waiting 2 weeks to cut my last girl and start 2 gallons x4 pots in the tent too


Whats a “zip”, an OZ?