Legalcanada auto flower grow log

This will be my thread to document my first grow in years, I’m excited this may be the grow that reignites my former passion in producing high quality medicine for myself

The issue is it will have to be low maintenance as I’ll only be able to visit the location twice as week maybe three so I think it would be beneficial to switch from coco to something that retains moisture longer like soil. My last attempt at using autowatering bulbs/stakes was unsuccessful. I think they are no name ceramic stakes similar to low budget bluemat system.

Any suggestions for me for medium, watering, and plant count?

It will be a 4x4 tent with 4-6 qb288 quantum boards (im thinking 500-750w of semi decent white light LEDd)


Edit: I do have a second 4x4 tent I plan to start photoperiods in for vegging I just need to get another led driver as the one I purchased was incorrect and incompatible and way past the return date


Congrats bro ! Im excited. Autos are making it here and I hope more join us !

I’m watching !

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Congrats @legalcanada !

Medium: my fav is promixBX with earthworm castings and added perlite.

Watering: auto watering system for sure. A reservoir + submersible pump + drip emitters (or spikes, I prefer spikes tbh) + a timer and you’re done. For water retention i recall a friend buying diapers from a dollar store and tearing out the absorbent material and mixing that into the soil to really hold in any available water; this is prob extreme though especially if you just go the auto-watering route.

Plant count: Province depending if you don’t have a licence, and if you do that’d dictate that. I’m tier one in Ontario so I can have 25 medical + 4 recreational which gives me a lot to work with. :ok_hand:

If you are looking into a licence I suggest as the 1st tier was free for me (covered by OHIP, in Ontario). Overall a great experience so I’ve been renewing with them for years.

In a 4x4 you can easily just go with +/- 4x plants to make your life less complicated, or more if you like the pain considering your limited visiting schedule! :crazy_face:


That’s awesome! Congrats on getting back at it!

Here is my two cents of your grow!

Plants - Considering you are in Canada and running a 4x4 I would go with 4 plants. It’s already the legal amount, fits well in a 4x4 and it’s easier to manage for a grow you’re not able to visit everyday. I would put up a Scrog net once you flip to flower to ensure support for branching.

Watering - I would highly recommend an auto watering system. Blumats with a large reservoir(20 gallons) would be my recommendation. This system only waters when the plants require it and not on a timed schedule meaning your chances of overwatering are low. I would put them in 10-15 plastic pots (soil drys much slower than fabric pots) to help retain moisture

Edit - just realized your running autos :grinning: this size pot might be over kill :rofl:

Medium - my mix is 40% peat, 30% compost (worm, sea, sheep), 30% aeration (rice hulls, pumice, perlite). It has good water retention and drainage properties. I would stick with that mix but increase the compost and lower the aeration in your case.

Now the important question! What strains are you going to run?

Good luck on your grow! With a bit of planning you will be cruising on auto pilot, no problems! :grinning::fire::raised_hands:


I like to water every 3-4 days. You need to size the pot to the size of the plant for this to happen.

If you do this 2-3 times a week should be plenty.

But 4 is a good number if you want to remain legal.

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Haha epic!

Very nice @legalcanada looking forward too seeing you back at it.


Diapers and vomit. This is either having a child or the start of a good weekend.

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I have a 50 plant count (previously 244 (50g/day) but was costing $375 a year) so I’m just looking for max yield. I only have 10G fabric pots so I’m thinking 2 plants per pot and 9-12 pots.

Would it be possible to run more than 2 seeds in a 10g fabric pot?

I don’t have time or money to change my setup ATM.

I have a 4 qb288 flower light and two 1qb288 lights for my veg tent but unfortunately I purchased the wrong meanwell driver for them so once I can afford a new driver I’ll be able to get my second tent running with photos

Of course! I currently have 6 photoperiod plants going on in a 3,5 gallon pot. :smile:
If you sow the same strain then they will grow pretty evenly.
Mix strains and it’s likely some will get stunted.

With autos I wouldn’t recommend it, they like the pot all for themselves.
They start flowering really fast and tend to stay small when they notice others are in the pot.
Or one will dominate and the others will stay very small.
However 10g is quite big, you could perhaps get away growing 2 or 3 in there and get a decent yield…
I would recommend genetics like Hot Cakes from @Going2fast for that, they get very big for autos!

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