Perpetual with one grow box

How would you guys make this work other than a simple reveg. Looking for ideas… I am also building a pc case server tower that will replace my 1x1 tent. Either run a bunch of mini plants or a single scrogged plant.

How big is your space?

Do lotsa little cuttings in grow bag or small pots,.? AND re-veg ( elsewhere if poss & if worth keeping), check out @Mr.Sparkle’s thread, you might find your solution there… good luck
Edit / make some room for a cutting or two …or pop another seed a couple of weeks before you harvest - in small pots beside your flowering plant :seedling:… hopefully you’ll find a way…


Run your tent and the pc case.

Veg in one and flower in the other.

That would be all you’d need for a perpetual system.


Thank you. I guess I’m looking for a more advanced way to do things. Either tissue cloning, resting cuttings in the fridge, or creating more seeds with each harvest…using GA or CS


This is one area where feminized autos shine. Get some autos and do a feminzed seed run. Should give ypu plebty of seed stock. Done and done. :thumbsup: :seedling:


you can rest clones in a fridge for a while, however, not sure that they will make it for 2 months in there. a cloning box does not need exhaust and can be 8"x8"x10" for a few clones and couple of cfls and that can fit anywhere. IMO if you don’t have a veg area, your best bet is to place them in the fridge for weeks, then in a small cloning box under the bed or in the cupboard for the remaining time. After they root in the cloner they can be kept for a while rootbound before transplant. If you absolutely don’t want to do a box, then try the fridge alone, if that don’t work, then just get new seeds imo.


I’ve heard of keeping cuts in the refrigerator, but never done it myself. I should do an experiment… :thinking:

SkunkmanSam talked about a library her kept in the refrigerator. He said he kept the plant’s in there and gave them half an hour of light every six hours. They grew very slow and didnt flower. Now that’s extreme! :astonished:

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Alternate photoperiod and autoflower.

Start autos during or at beginning of flower and when you harvest the photoperiod and switch back to like 18/6 to veg your new photoperiod seedlings, the autos will beast out in the extra light time.

Thats my thought for it


Fem auto from seed planted at intervals.

I have kept uncut clones in freezer bags in the refrigerator for up to 2 months. They do best about less than 5 weeks or so it seems. You do need to give them fresh air occasionally and make sure that too much moisture doesn’t accumulate and cause rot.

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Lol I ended up buying a 10w basil indoor planter box. I have a basil in it , and mini tomatoe plant. I put a micro sized clone in the back and will just keep cutting the fan leaves in half to always have this strain on backup, on the down low.


Where is your cutting mate… can you show us.? Cheers. Happy growing @Cocofan.