Pest identification

I think it’s too big to be a thrip. Really hard to make out what it really is, though.

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I’m searching, thanks fellas. Ive had thrips, aphids and mites ect. Never introduced any predators. The local lady bugs have joined the grow room in the attic as they do every fall here.
These guys I found in a spare bedroom I use that pretty sealed off. Ive been collecting rain water recently most likely came indoors with the jugs.

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Maybe it is just a youngish upsidedown :beetle:, could be if they’re around …



Found this guy hanging around… But so far, nothing like the bug in question…

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Kill them all! :grin: gun_gun :mosquito: :spider: IMHO indoors makes no sense having any kind of bugs, predatory or not … ejem|nullxnull

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Alright, @George, let’s see if you can figure this out. Any idea what these might be? Came in on some snips, currently in quarantine. I’m thinking some kind of predatory might. They are visible with the naked eye.

Edit: I just noticed the little clear worm thing writhing around as well. Nasty!

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Sand on top of the medium does a good job if in fabric pots but if in plastic pots the gnats will enter the roots through the holes on the bottom of the pots.

I grow mostly in Fox Farm Ocean Forest and pretty much assume it come pre-packed with fungus gnats so I treat the top of my soil with Mosquito Bits and put a 1’ wide strip of sticky paper along the inside of the rim of the pot. This kills even the ones down in the root system.

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I think they’re just root aphids, no mites: :sweat_smile:

root aphid

And saw that nasty worm :see_no_evil:, just use some soap with something :skull_and_crossbones: to get rid of them, just to rest asured, I don’t think they’re a threat … beer3|nullxnull

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I was also considering grain mites. I’d kill and image one just to make sure!


Could be, but plants are not on their menu … icon_e_confused|nullxnull



That does looks more like their shape. And they didn’t seem to be doing anything to the plant. These were cuts that were rooting, and they rooted just fine. These bugs looked lost and wandering. Alas, they’re dead now anyways. I’m not sure how I would have gotten a clearer pic. I need a better scope.


Yah the shape seemed off for an aphid like the legs were too close to the front of the beast. It was just a stupid detail pinging in my mind thought it was worth a shot.