Phylos - I cant believe this!

Starting to think I found a troll tbh

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well there are a few Canadians in this thread that are straight up telling you that your perception and understanding are wrong.
I’m not trying to be a dick to you, nor start a confrontation, but facts are facts.

The only thing I ever feared about getting busted was losing my ability to travel beyond our borders. I knew many growers who got popped with large grows … 100’s of pounds and all they got was an ankle bracelet unless the crown could prove they were part of organized crime. Even then if you did get jail time it was a sentence of 2 years less a day. The typical sentence otherwise was 18months with and ankle bracelet and 2 years probation.
Now, there are real sentences on the table of up to 14 years per offense. That never existed before and does now.

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Show me the facts were people are being sentenced harsher. No one has been able to do that yet.

The narcotics control act of 1961 didn’t have 14 year penalties?

Wait you think I know what I’m talking about :joy::exploding_head:

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When legalization was first talked about the number 1 reason for legalization was to keep folks out of jail.

I tried to tell people that legalization in this manner would not keep people out of jail for growing cannabis.

You can see today that folks growing in a legal state are being jailed for an illegal grow.
How is that legalization?

I agree100% and very few folks seems to get it.
We have a whole thread about that here if anyone is interested.

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Thanks for the reminder…LOL
@Magu if you wanna know a bit more about Phylos check out this link.

All of that, not just the quote was very well said brother! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Outta likes


Tell the owners of multiple dispensaries across the province that I’m from that after legalization they didn’t have stiffer penalties. People went from running a storefront and servicing a community and the next day if doors opened would be arrested, fined and charged a lot heavier than the day before. these dispensaries have existed for decades and were forced shut because of harsher laws after legalization. Anyway I’m done with this.

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you are trying to drag this down a rabbit hole and I ain’t playing.
I will say this… google is a powerful tool. I took me all of a couple minutes to fid the first guy charged with posession over the 30gram limit post cannabis act. I believe it was 85 grams and he was sentenced to 10 months incarceration. Crown lawyers wanted more, defense lawyers were requesting a fine based on the history of cases like it that came before the courts before the Cannabis Act. The judge gave the guy 10 months in jail.
Knowing lots of guys that got popped with 85grams or more… myself included, none of us got jail time. My charge was dismissed before I even got to court. I’ve been “busted” for drugs well over a dozen times in my life including 5 pounds of vac packed bud, a tray of clones and 3 garbage bags of trim and larf. I spent 18 hours in lockup and got released… got a 5000.00 fine and no actual charges so it’s not on my record. My buddy on the sunshine coast got busted with the bud from over 250 big outdoor plants and they charged him with the wet weight as it was all fresh and in totes on his sail boat when they popped him. He got 18months with an ankle bracelet and 2 years probation. I shudder to think what he would get for a sentence under this current regime.

let’s end it there. I have no desire for this tit for tat discussion. Spend an hour online looking at stats for charges under the cannabis act . It’s all there to see.


I have heard that somewhere before. :thinking:

Some folks want to doubt you and that is fine, but then they expect you to provide proof that what you are saying is true and that is fine too.

But when you take time out of your day to do the research that they could very well have done themselves and they still fail to recognize the fact that you were telling them the truth from the get go, that is a bit disheartening. :pensive:
You will never hear this type admitting they could have been wrong. :smirk:
And for the record…"I am wrong all the time, it is part of being human."
Being wrong is not a bad thing it is a good way to learn something new. :slightly_smiling_face:


Geez @shag , if I was right all the time, you and I might have stopped talking a couple years back.


What really chaps my ass, is old prisons being turned into grow facilities. The irony is superb.


:flushed:. . That’s f*cking crazy. What is their problem with seed? Someone that feels important smoke one by accident? The WORST laws I had ever heard of outside Louisiana were in North Carolina. A seed was a felony. That was the Bible belt a quarter century ago. Never in my life did I see that coming from any country today, and certainly not in Canada.

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Thank you for all your replies and opinions. It is great that we can discuss these ideas in a public forum like this. I would like to say that for me, the way forward is obvious. We MUST “ overgrow the government”. I am convinced that this “war on drugs” will not end until there are pot plants growing wild everywhere. Seed bombs are my weapon of choice in this situation. If someone could post a link to information on seed bombs, I would greatly appreciate that. Remember, The government is not now and has never been our friend. Corporations and money are a form of rot that MUST be cut out of society if we are going to survive. Thank you


it wasn’t really stupid. more like “they are gonna take that
plant away from us”, which turned out was the truth :wink:

welcome to my world, i’ll never be “out there” with it.

hope you feel better, bro.
sending good vibes over.


I posted this in another thread a few days ago and I believe it fits here:


When we legalized under the cannabis act government also said that any seed not bought and grown from a government source would be deemed illegal and we were like lol, what? How you going to regulate that? So technically yiu could be growing illegal plants because seed didn’t come from daddy gov. I realized it’s a long play with sole intent of full control by making itillegal to buy or sell seed that is not from a licensed producer. This is what a lot of the people here aren’t understanding that it’s a long play by government to eventually try to have full control by also controlling the seed, most people new to trying to grow don’t know how to acquire beans from reputable breeders unless you are shown who and where to buy from. A lot of new growers are going to rely on government to get them, especially if they’re told it’s illegal to purchase from non licensed and those are the people that matter to government,plus to most the government is a trust worthy source as opposed to purchasing via the black market.they will buy their feminized, auto triploid(sterile) plants and have to keep going back to them and need to start fresh seed every grow, this is the long game. This is the corporate dream for cannabis. Now moving along, If I sell 280 seeds and was caught I would get charged the same as selling 10 Oz of flower and face up to 14 years in jail as they don’t differentiate between seed and flower anymore. Another law that didn’t exist before legalization here. Making it much easier to charge people with a whole new set and keep people in line with fear. Putting penalties on seed makes it harder for people that are scared of government to acquire illicit beans that won’t risk looking elsewhere.and most people aren’t like us rebels and will comply. Shady


but you dont need paper work to sell food on side of the road or cops are just not giving a fuck here we got parked trucks pedling sea food and fruits and veggies every town nearby
its just because its a quick buck they dont wanna leave us even crumbs they want the whole cake and we cant even have a penny back

But you do need paperwork to sell food on the side of the road. Cops generally do not care until someone complains, that’s how you get sensational stories about cops ‘raiding’ little kids lemonade stands and so on.

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Def need a license to sell food from a cart or a truck where I’m from. Huge fines and health code violations. Yiu need to have a Green health department certificate posted in a place where people can see it indicating you passed health code check and follow proper food handling procedure.

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law probly rewuires it here too but its not enforced much

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