Pigeonman’s “Horny Horse Cherry Red Shit Fest” 😆

ok so i googled that strain name for info and all i got was pics of massive horse dongs and cherries not sure how i feel about it but im here ? lol good luck


This cross was made and named by @Pigeonman here on OG lol


Yeah, only our @Pigeonman can come up with a name like that :rofl:
I would have called it Cherry Unicorn :grinning: :grinning:

:green_heart: :seedling:


#1 is the one that popped almost immediately after hitting water lol BUT it came out head first. I went ahead and planted it, we’ll see.

#2 was the last to pop. While the rest had 3/4”-1” tap roots corkscrewing on me, this one only had about 1/4” poking out.

The rest are A-ok for now. I just put them all into solo cups full of recycled coco/perlite earlier today.

#1 I helped it get it’s helmet off before planting (it was on the bottom of it’s root). Idk if that pink hue is from the “cherry” part of its genes or just from the stress of germing upside down lol

Family photo


I accidentally got a little rough with #1 and cracked one of her cotyledons a little. Luckily it didn’t break off. I’ve been leaving it alone lol

#2 was the last to pop, so last to come thru the soil yesterday.

Haven’t watered since planting them in the cups. This is day 3 I believe. Some are starting to dry up top, so I may give them some recharge tomorrow.

They’re in reused coco/perlite. So the only nutrients they have would be whatever is left in that. It’s damn near impossible to get all the salts out and it’s a lot of work and wasted water so I don’t even mess with rinsing it anymore. We give only water the last couple weeks to help with high salt content for the next batch and also saves a little on nutrients. We just get what roots we can with a strainer and we’re ready to go. It’s worked just fine for me the last few times. They actually seem to like it better than fresh coco. IME. I don’t have a problem as long as humidity isn’t super low. I have the dehumidifier off for that reason. I think I’m sitting at 76f and 60rh.

They’re just chilling under a sf1000 at about 40% for now. Just lowered the light a little bit today and turned intensity up from about 25-30% because they’re getting some stretch on them.

Everything seems to be fine as of now.


Update time.

July 10 (day 10 above soil)

2 & 6 started with 3 finger leaves. 1 didn’t miss a beat even after I accidentally broke one of its cotyledons. Noticed roots coming through the bottoms of a couple cups a few days ago. Should be able to transplant soon.


1 where I snapped it’s cotyledon

And I wanted to test out the Lipsmacker s1 beans I just made. So these will ride along next to any Horny Horse females i get (if any :joy:).

All pics taken today. That’s all for now. I’ll probably update again once the HH are transplanted.


Went ahead and transplanted the 7 horny horses today. Into 1 gallon fabric pots. Left about an inch but will add more coco as they grow. Watered them with their first jacks at about 680ppm @ 5.8ph. Also, moved them out from under the sf1000 and put them under the viparspectra p2500.

July 13 - day 13.


July 19

Horny horse - day 19 - Up to watering every other day. Still no sex parts. Hopefully next week they’ll start to show.

Lipsmacker S1 - day 8


July 23

Horny Horse Cherry Shit Fest - day 23

Same orientation as the pics above. Left to right, top 1-3, bottom 4-6, middle 7. Getting pretty crowded. I wish they would let me know what gender they are :joy: 6 is kinda ferny, 7&5 huge fan leaves with 7 being the tallest of all of them, 2 is the shortest. Also, stem rub is pretty potent on 2,5,6.

Lipsmacker S1 - day 12

Roots coming out of the bottoms of the cups. I’ll probably push it a little longer bc the Horny Horse are taking up a lot of room in the other tent lol

All were watered today. I’m trying to see if they’re ready for daily watering. They seem to love it so far. Just waiting to sex them so I can up pot the females, trash the males (maybe) and get the Lipsmacker in there w them. Then I’ll take some clones of my favorites and wait a little while longer, then flip. I think I’ll go with 2gallon fabric pots this time. So I may at least give them a few weeks after I transplant to get comfy in those. We will see.


There are finally the faintest, tiniest specks of sex lol I didn’t get pics of that yet bc it was only on a few plants and so small you can’t really see anything. But hopefully soon. Usually I would have already taken the tops as clones and started training them but I guess I’ll try to do that when I sex and transplant. Those main stalks are getting pretty thick tho.

I’m getting a couple brown spots on the bottom leaves… not sure if it’s bc I cut my epsom in half or just not feeding enough.

Anyways, here are a few random pics…


2- started with 3finger leaves


6- started with 3finger leaves

I think 1 is my least favorite so far. Tall, very spacey, bottom shoots are still very small compared to the rest.

4 is my absolute favorite. She may be a little too stacked but I just love how it’s not as tall as say 1 or 7 but bottom shoots are going nuts. Like it’s not putting as much energy into growing taller but instead putting that energy into the lower nodes. Man, I hope that one is a girl :joy: if not, I’m collecting pollen from it. But I have high hopes bc it’s not showing anything yet. Either way, I’m happy.

Not shown or mentioned is 3, 5, 7…

3 is like 4 in height, but bottom nodes not growing AS fast. I like this one too. Has a little more space between nodes also.

5, really bushy, almost as tall as 7. Not too much to say.

7 is the tallest one. Reminds me of 1 a little bit.

Idk if you could keep up w all of that lol

Also stem rub has a medicinal smell now. My Lipsmacker did too and turned out great so I’m anxious to see how these turn out.

—— about the brown spots on the very bottom leaves ——I watered yesterday with 460ppm 5.9ph. I dumped all the runoff together and it came out 5.7ph and 700ish ppm. Still doesn’t seem high enough to cause a lockout but :woman_shrugging:

If you have some idea about it, go head… let me have it :laughing:


I believe I’m overwatering. Maybe they weren’t ready for daily watering yet? But the top leaves are a little puckered so I’ll back off for a little while longer and see if that helps.

Edit: I just realized my humidity was super high lol like 70 with my temps only 75 :grimacing: may be why they’re not drying up as fast and puckering up top. “How could you let this happen ya asshat?” Well, I thought my dehumidifier was off and been off for a month or so. So when my humidity was around 50 I thought “hmm, guess I won’t need to turn that on bc we haven’t had any rain this summer, maybe that’s why it’s dry” well when I checked my humidity, it was 70 so I went to turn it on, the red light was on telling me it was full. So it had been on. I have no idea about that. Maybe my wife has been doing it? No clue lol so I’ll wait til tomorrow and see how they’re doing. :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile:


And we’re already looking better lol

I haven’t checked this is so long- I just noticed how they updated with dew point and vpd charts. Awesome :star_struck:


What environmental monitoring setup/app is that @hollyho?


Govee. It’s just a Bluetooth hygrometer. Bought the 2pk off Amazon. Not very expensive but I can’t remember the price.

They have an app called “Govee Home” that you download. And a widget you can place on your Home Screen so all u have to do is look at your home screen and there’s the info. You can click it and it will sync and you can look at more data.


you need to charge your battery!!!

but yes what app?

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Lmao! My poor phone seems to stay in the red area :joy:


Took about the top 3 nodes as clones. I’m really wanting to cut those long fan leaves off. It looks a little ridiculous now lol 7 is covering 2 now :woman_facepalming:

Do any of you think I could get away w it? Or leave it and wait til they recover a little bit?

Oh, and I also took the bottom 1-2 little leaves and small budsites.


I’d leave thos feed factories in place and just spread and tuck. If u want to defoliate i’d do it later when that nice looking interior starts to be more of an exterior.

:grin: :ok_hand:


Aw man ok :joy:

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