Pineapple Express Crosses (regular)

Hi everyone. I have a collection of pineapple express cross seeds. i’d love for more people to have some of these for their own use.

What’s the best way to get that done? does setting up a website return on the effort? is there a better system? what are people looking for nowadays?


I’m not sure what’s the best way but I’ll gladly take some off your hands :grin:

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Hey @synapse57 there is a gigantic thread for just that very thing. People are constantly giving away free seeds in this thread. It’s up to you how you would like to do a giveaway - some users post a signup and do a random drawing for a winner, other users say something like “I have X packs of ____ strain, dibs for who wants them.”

There is also a moderated trading thread if you’re looking to receive something in exchange.

Some users start up their own threads in the Trading Post / Seed Giveaway categories if they are going to give out a larger number or have semi-frequent giveaways.

All threads in Trading Post & Seed Giveaway are locked behind Trust Level 2, if I recall correctly.


Just offer up and ppl will pm u


I love everything pineapple :green_heart::heart_eyes::green_heart:
Setting up a website is a PITA.
Don’t expect to make bank on your seeds.
Lots of folks will trade though. Me included, but only if you want some Zamaldelica Express since that’s all I’ve got to offer right now.

There are a couple folks on here with their own websites whom you might be able to have list them - @Cartwright and @Ris for example.


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upload the strain list


ethos mandarin cookies x lilac diesel, and hsc blueberry cupcake x mac1


whats the linage on the mandarin cookies ?.

i have some on a mandarin frame as we speak. i will now have to change the name, did not know there was one already out in the public.

thank you …

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There are a few versions put out by ethos. Forum GSC x mandarin sunset, I think but the versions may differ?

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I’m “known” to distribute Seeds here on the “G”!! There’s plenty of “Seed Slingers” abound. Get 'em to us, we’ll do the rest. THANKS for the outreach, take care, stay safe and, be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


The company is called “ETHOS” the strain is “mandarin cookies x lilac diesel #22” It’s really close to their Apex strain.

They put out a multipack of the Lilac diesel #22, and the mandarin cookies v2 is out there as well.

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ya changed the name to mandarin treats.

all good …

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If you are looking to sell them, I do run a site and im happy to list them for you, we can work out the details if interested.

If you just want to get them into peoples hands to spread the love, i can help distribute them or provide some stamps to get them on their journey.

@RainToday - thanks for the tag. Its most appreciated.