Pinkleberry f6 seed run **closed**

Epic thread so far, my friend! Keep up the good work!


Day ten. I’m not happy with how short and tight they are. Could just be the strain but I wanted to give them a little room. Potted up and moved into my ghetto veg tent. Light is way up. I’ll move it down when they comply and stretch a bit. Fully watered in on transplant. They won’t need anything from me for 2 weeks. If all goes according to plan. Just a dash of great white in the tap water.


Th eagle flies in with another update. They look great man. Nothing to worry about.


The seedlings sure appear to love the fabric bags. They’re geting lots of oxygen. I may order some of those… They’re a time saver, too.


I’d go for it. Best way to start a seed I’ve found so far.


Are you doing this as an indoor run or just starting the seedlings indoors?

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All indoor unfortunately, as it is my only option. I’ll look forward to seeing y’all give them the proper treatment down the line though!

Everybody looking happy in their new pots. I poured a shitload of water on these little babies. This is SOP so I’m not surprised they are fine but based on other things I read all the time I would think over-watering would be a concern. Thoughts?


Look at those beautiful plants! Also looking very good in those white little sleeves, sad mine never came lol they musta got lost in the mail @Eagles009

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Thanks brother! The little baby mesh bags? These have now been potted into these.

Cheap and I like the dirt they hold for the footprint. They say one gallon but hold at least double my one gallon fabrics. I added a ton of my own holes.


Yup those are them. I cancelled my order after three weeks , since my little girls are in their homes already being autos… Cant wait to see your grow my friend !

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How will you do selection then if they only perform outside? I thought that the very pink one was a specific pheno that can only be hunted outdoors. Are you just going to make seeds and hope for the best?

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I think early discussion was pointing towards open pollination being the preferred route. I’m not sold we get zero color anyway. I am growing a plant right now that has the random purple pink pistil. Had them from the start of flower. Not know for it specifically either. I’m cautiously optimistic.


Also thoughts on why they color outside? I think I heard uv mentioned by somebody early on? I’m thinking of adding supplemental uv anyway. Could definitely make that happen prior to flowering these if we think it makes a difference.

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Pink pistils are a form of protection from strong sun but not sure what’s happening on a biological level. It’s why you pretty much never see them in an indoors grow. The bud colour can be either genetics or protection against cold weather. I see it was discussed here that these dont perform colour wise indoors, hadnt gone through the whole thread when I 1st posted. I saw on instagram a while back they spoke about it too. Consensus was that is an ass strain for indoors. Not sure if or how seed making would be affected by running indoors. Would be less of a hunt if you could open pollenate females that showed pink colours or cull non coloured ladies. But hey hopefully it all goes well, its a real beaut of a strain


Cool, I read that trichomes serve as the plants sunburn protection, too.


Well adding some far red a UV to the light spectrum should help a bit to boost those colours indoors, but you are right, outdoors is where that plant was breed for, anyway would be interesting see how it goes indoors.


Little pre update. 9 days since we potted up
They haven’t been touched in the last 9 days. Just chilling in the tent. Light still way up. These are some sensitive plants. Don’t want much light. Got some nute burn even though I haven’t fed and have never had burn with this dirt without feeding. I will pull them out later today and get some good photos to see where we are. Here’s a little group shot until then. Numbers one and ten noticeably haven’t done much in the interim. May be candidates to cull? To be fair I’m pretty sure #10 is the one I dropped the watering can on during transplant so maybe that one is my fault :innocent:


@Eagles009 those are looking lovely - happy n healthy - nice work!:boom::v:t3::boom:


Couple plants started two days earlier and treated the same.

Not impressed with the growth of the pinkleberry…at all…stem rub gives me hope though, pretty strong for their stage of development. Hopefully we hit a growth spurt soon. They seem to have been picking up over the last couple days.

The two saddest looking plants have some weirdness on the stalk near the dirt. Anybody know what that’s about.


Can you get in closer to those stems with the camera?
The pictures make them look atrophied kinda.

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