Pinkleberry f6 seed run **closed**

Look at those babies go! :seedling:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


I topped them all today. See if we canā€™t stimulate that lower growth a bit. I also culled the two runts.


How long have they been in the big bags? I could look back but Iā€™m lazy today. :joy:


2.5 weeks roughly


Iā€™m just a week behind then.
Yours are beasties bro.

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Youā€™re too kindā€¦literally. Iā€™m not happy with these at all. Iā€™ve been blown away in flower with a plant that irritated the hell out of me for 3.5 weeks from seed before (gelato). So on we go. But my other plants I started at the same time as these are way more developed and full. These do have a good smell on stem rub. That goes a long way with me. Only thing keeping me hopeful right now.


At one week ahead of mine, figuring that you just topped, these are still out performing mine just slightly.
Hereā€™s mine today.

And the baby isnā€™t getting any bigger.


Other than that runt Iā€™ll take those any day. Yours actually have branches. Iā€™ve got some sticks. I was looking at your pictures earlier. They are looking good. My critical bilbo is doing amazing and the banner kicking ass too.


Awesome! Ainā€™t this just a blast my friend!
I think my Critical is close to topping, the GDP very soon after.
Decisions, decisions! Where to top, when to top or start any training at all.
Dude, Iā€™m having way too much fun!


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m talking about! If this isnā€™t fun youā€™re doing it wrong! 6 months ago Iā€™d be beating a drum to top those suckers. Iā€™ve calmed down with that and try to get a feel for the plant and what it needs to get to where I want. For instance my banner and CB got a fim and my gelato and black widow got topped. Reason being the banner and CB already have nice branching going on didnā€™t see the need to shock them as bad, just a little bump for the lower branches. Probably would have left those two alone entirely if I had more head space in the little veg box.


Iā€™ve seen videos on how to fim.
Seen people trying to get it right and having a rough time getting it right.


Canā€™t remember who.
Anyway itā€™s cool how they form afterwards.

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Either way it all gets supercropped and moved around. By the time Iā€™m done you wonā€™t know which started out as the top.


Iā€™m thinking the four node X shape that I used on the Gelato I called Beast worked so well I will repeat that on two of these.

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Sounds like a plan brother. Iā€™m done training these pinkleberries. I know I worked up quite a sweat making ten cuts. They are just gonna chill under 24-0 until they look like real plants. Then into the flower tent when banner finishes. If black widow is still alive then Iā€™ll just chop her ugly ass down. Banner so sexy thoughā€¦weird factā€¦I was checking skywalkerā€™s trichs yesterday and figured what the hell Iā€™ll give banner a look. They are solid white bro. FULL cloudā€¦sheā€™s got like a month left going by overall appearances. I dunno what to make of that. But as long as they donā€™t amber I guess I donā€™t care.


Alright my bad yā€™all, back on topic. I do have a question about males under veg lighting. To my understanding they will begin to drop pollen when they are ready. It does not require a switch to 12/12 right?

Dude! Pictures!

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Unless there a auto they will require 12 hrs light.


Okay so I had that wrong, thank you!


Oh crap! Sorry bro!
Just got going and couldnā€™t find the brakes.

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