Pinkleberry f6 seed run **closed**

I’ve read about altering ph in last week or two to bring color out. Haven’t tried it myself but I have some pretty plants going at the moment. Hopefully I can get something out of these pinkleberry indoor.


This was watering around 7.3-7.5 for the last bit


We love our canuck neighbors. And if needed they can send yours to me and I’ll forward.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


tag me please, I really would like to follow this experiment.


I’ve removed the wiki option as the 25 sign ups are filled.

I would like to remember that this sign up first intention is to cover expenses on the seeds purchase (50USD divided in to 25 spots) and once the run is completed each of us should pay for the distribution, international been more expensive.

Please if you are not going to commit with this, let us know so someone else can have a chance.

Eventually and if @Eagles009 decide to reopen sign ups and increment the sign up for seed distribution will be reopened, but all will depend on how the run is going and if he is willing to do so.

I also would like to thank you all for the participation and support to this run special to @Eagles009 for been voluntary.



please take me off the list and thank you


No problem sir, one slot back open if anyone wants it they can post here so @Pakore can make the switch.

Sorry to see you go. You were one of the first to welcome me here and hang out in my journal.
If you would like some of the beans to play with anyway I’ll send some of mine to you, or someone you stay in contact with.


I’m out too. No real reason to sign up for this. :roll_eyes::pleading_face:


Well to change the pace. I’m still in! I’m outdoor grower to the core. Just suffer indoors during the cold winter.


and suffer we are :frowning: no room

outside so much room :slight_smile: lighting to die for

and the power bill

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Sorry to see you guys out of this and thanks for letting us know.

Everyone else, still 2 spots open, so please feel free to join us

Just a rough maths of the costs, it will be 2USD for the purchase of the seeds + postage once the run has been completed (up to 15/20 USD of you are outside US, with in the US 4 or so, not completely sure about it)


Seeds in a coin flip can send Internationally as plain letter mail for quite cheap :slight_smile: guess if it’s a lot of seeds though. Could be more.


Me too :raising_hand_woman:
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:


Most of the US envelopes I have received were about 14USD, track and delivered in less than 2 weeks.
I find this the safest way, I guess you could possibly sent those in a coin flip, but Bare in mind most of the seeds will get crushed by the postal machinery if there are not inside a washer or have any other protection.

The optimal way should be a centrifuge vial, there are pretty cheap 1000 for less than 12£.

Again each if us have our own way, your one been more discreet and the one I used being safest.

One vial I sent got crushed by US sorting machines. I switched to corrugated plastic afterwards and have not had a problem yet. Weighs almost nothing and can be sent in a regular letter. Has room for quite a lot of seeds.


Oh yeah deffinetly a washer in the coin flip sorry I thought that was implied. I have had multiple centrifuge tubes break now. We actually had to change our joti group buy in order shipping plans because some of the test mails across the border with centrifuges tubes had one break and I recently got one from we Toke chronic with a broken one.

For the larger shipments we decided centrifuge containers in an empty dvd case was best. With the item for cross border transport being listed as a home DVD of family movies with a price of 1 dollar on the mail package.

So yes there is more than one way but I wouldn’t assume yours is the safest my friend. With those 2 examples stated both being very recent. I believe it was @anon93244739 who recently got the other crushed one. Sorry for tagging you if this wasn’t you.

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Yeah, I got the one crushed one in the joti buy

can I get the open spot? . Thanks


Yes you can. @Pakore will add you to the list when he gets a moment.


What’s her finish time outdoors? Am growing at lat 49 and would need a solid finisher. Assuming it’s the Pinkleberry Kush, the breeder’s website says they grow for the oregon climate which is on lat. 43, so quite a difference.
As for hippyhumboldt, he probably comes from Humboldt, which makes it even less likely to be suitable for my latitude.

What do you guys think?

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