Pipes and Cigars

Does anyone else on here like smoking pipes and Cigars? Been getting into it more and more as time goes on.

Corn cob poker pipe with some balkan sasieni and some cubans

Curious if any of you guys grow your own and what tobacco cultivation entails.


I used to smoke a lot of cigars when I was in an illegal state, but as soon as I resumed cannabis after moving to a legal state, I just couldn’t smoke them anymore. It happened overnight. Not sure what happened. I did grow my own tobacco for a while, but never did anything with it other than collect the seeds.

I think once I get to Central America—especially Nicaragua—later this year, I’m going to resume the practice. I’d love to explore Nicaraguan tobacco more. It’s a favorite of mine. I’m absolutely going to do tours and try and explore everything even tangentially related to Don Pepin Garcia; I’m a big fan of Tatuaje, and everything else he’s touched. I also want to spend some time exploring Brazilian tobacco, too. Ever since I fell in love with the CAO Brazilia, over a decade ago, I’ve enjoyed Brazilian tobacco in other cigars.

I miss the practice a lot and am excited to get back into it.


I can enjoy a few puffs from a quality cigar-

Especially when I’m lighting bottle rockets :rocket:


Before I quit tobacco I was into cigars and pipes for years.

For me, the best was a mild Torpedo from the Dominican Republic (forget the name).
The first pull was like almost nothing, other than the faint taste, that you wanted more of. The flavor slowly intensified to a satisfying strong flavor until you were almost not keeping it lit.
WOW what a smoke!
oleskool830 said it best, we tend to trade one dependency for another. I miss the tobacco but the weed is where I need to be.



ive gotten pretty into the pipe lately. mostly virginia and perique blends, but ive been trying everything i can get my hands on. i dont do cigars very often these days, but the padron 1926 is my favorite. i like the cohiba black nicaragua a lot too
growing tobacco is easy. i did some last year and it pretty much took care of itself. i gave it loaded soil to start with, but i never had to feed it after that. didnt need support either. you just need to cut the buds off when they form if youre not growing for seed (and if you are, just sit back and enjoy the show). oh and wear gloves when you handle the plants, or nicotine will absorb through your skin in higher quantities than most consider to be pleasant and you will have a bad time
post-harvest is the hard part. drying and curing tobacco takes a really long time unless you use a kiln (or something similar) and requires close attention to the climate in the drying space. you can automate of course, but ideally you want temp and humidity swings (thats my understanding at least). thats to say nothing of processing- there are a ton of ways to do this depending on your desired end product. i grossly underestimated the effort involved with most of this process, so i just left my leaves hanging in a bedroom that has a couple tents and a humidifier running in it. im hoping that will suffice and i end up with something serviceable in a few months or so

this is a good resource for cultivation info if anyone is interested


I love the smell of a pipe and cigars I don’t smoke them my dad did
My dad smoked this in his pipe there used to be a place around the corner from me did hand rolled cigars it’s a cafe now


a good dominican like arturo fuente is a can’t miss proposition…partigas D serie is a fine cubano


Sparked up the monte cristo. Great mild relaxing smoke for a quiet Saturday night. My lungs are going to fucking hate me even worse than they already do :joy:


as long as you don’t inhale it didn’t happen… :wink:

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I love Arturo Fuente cigars. Especially the Between The Lines Hemingway.image

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Just canagars :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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El Rey de Mundo Robusto with the oscuro wrapper . Fonseca 10-10 is a good every day milder smoke , if you like Dominicans .

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