Blunt wraps, love them? Hate them? Which ones and why?

So I hadn’t had a blunt say… 15 years or so. That I can remember anyways. Even longer since Ive rolled one. I never was able to justify the quantity used. Weed was/is expensive after all.

Now since I started growing last year I’ve had a steady supply for the most part. I just harvested two autos and decided I wanted to take a trip down memory lane.

Rolling blunts in the backseat of a dingy car. Poorly I might add. Splitting a swisher or white owl while trying not to crack the thing. I usually cracked the thing. The flavored wraps were 2-3 times more than a pack of cheap cigars and we were broke kids. Half the weed ended up in my lap. I would sit there and pinch it little by little and add it back into the blunt. Why didn’t we ever have a tray? The Ludacris cd jewel case was never big enough for my large clumsy hands. And we were never parked, always driving. Too paranoid to park I guess. It was usually serviceable though. I could never roll a joint, but a blunt wasn’t too bad.

Anyways, back to reality. I went out in search of a blunt wrap the other day. I remembered hearing good things about hemp wraps. So I grabbed two kinds, zig zag natural and a grape flavor of another brand. Can’t remember what one. Friggen loved them both! Had a regular tobacco zig zag wrap and did not enjoy it nearly as much. Felt harsher. The hemp wraps rolled up so nice and easy. Smoked great, slow burn. Clean flavor on both kinds of hemp wraps.

So now I’m on a mission to find what hemp wraps I like the best and got curious what everyone else’s thoughts are on blunts and wraps, tobacco or hemp? What’s your favorite brand, what’s your least favorite? And why? Do you still split a cigar? Use whole tobacco leaves? Or do you just flat out not like them at all?


I split swisher’s with my teeth, pinch em with your front teeth then separate. They are fun every here and there. I prefer raw king size cones all day


Now these my man these are the way


Your cooking your cabbage rolls all wrong man…


It’s a cannagar?

it’s all cannabis no wrong here man


Wow, that’s a new one for me! How does it taste? Im a regular cigar smoker so this is super interesting. I need to know how!

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It’s awesome I fit an oz in my largest. Smokes wonderful hold on pic dump coming…

pack ground bud in mold for 24 hours under high pressure with skewer in middle. Pull out 24 hours later. Or more. Then have dried leafs on hand. Rehydrate with a mister bottle full of water. Separate leaflets and layer them, subsequently using a mixture of rum and sugar or rosin. And then paint it onto the wrap. Then wrap the molded bud and tie with hemp wick. Let cure in jar for a few days light and smoke for 6 to 8 hours continously


CAMO natural cigar rolls are actually pretty good. I forgot what they’re made of but they’re better than tobacco blunt wraps


Blunts wraps are all I use practically, they’re smoother than most papers, even hemp because it’s moist and for me I get the most flavor/terps than a bowl or bong, in fact there’s no after burned taste either. I’ve heard older people like wraps, because they’re easier on the lungs and I would agree. I go through 4 boxes Zig Zag blueberry or grape a month.

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That’s awesome. I have new goals now. Where do I find the mold? Do I just search cigar mold? I’ve never seen such a thing before.


You can dm @Bobgrows she sells them. They are usually 3d printed that’s what I did. Printed it. @BeardedMech
She does killer work btw.


I do King Palm cones a lot idk just like them, I’ve tried almost every flavor but now days I just go for the large pack of the regulars.

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There’s a dude here in HI who sells cannagars and his most expensive so far was $305!! It looks beautiful and well crafted but man I can’t see the Justice in that cost

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I really like swisher blunts, too bad they are not available in the Russian & Europe anymore. That’s the sweeties thing I’ve ever tried, and i’m even actually hunting for them out here. still couldn’t find a good way to import them. goddam how I like them. backwoods way worse imo

Regarding hemp wraps, we only have juicy jay, its good, but its not something you would roll often, the flavor is a bit chemy, and smoke bitter. Though I still do them from time to time, because there are no other options


They sell em in shops for 1k here. Fuck that I can make them all day. Free 55. I don’t sell bud. I feel it though a full zip cannagar burns for 8 hours. People can sell the fuxk out of a party stick like that.


That’s bonkers, man, bonkers!! You’re pumping out some good looking work. Once I get my growing down consistent I wanna start getting into stuff like cannagars.

Nothing but backwoods for years. My cardio suffered from smoking a few a day so I switched to joints and vapes both with a pinch of American spirit tobacco


I need to try that cannagar


Here’s a sheet of cannagar molds we make.


Do u ship worldwide??

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