Ciggs and Tobacco

I smoke cigarettes for the nicotine. I grew tobacco once and it tasted awesome. The cigarettes I buy now taste like chlorine to dirt… I just can’t find a good tasting cigarette.


Its the refurb, cigarettes are mostly refurb now compared to how it use to be. Its more addictive than just tobacco.


I LOVE, and I mean LOVE the smell of tobacco and burning cigars but don’t smoke them or cigs as nicotine and I do not get along.

I mean the head rush I get everytime someone passes me a mixed joint has be on my back; and not in a fun way.

To those that do, I always say: “Smoke em if you got them; but at a respectful distance downwind like how I’m about to go and FART.”


They grind it into a paste, mix with water, spray it into sheets, dry it, then shred that tobacco sheet into fines. Then add shit to retard burning so it causes less fires. They used to add other shit to make it burn faster, or nicotine, flavorings, etc.

It’s kinda like smoking old sad shake vs. good fresh flowers.


Growing your own doesn’t even compare taste wise to the government ones.
I’ve grown tobacco and didn’t cure it quite right and it still tasted better than store bought stuff.

You can try to find ‘organic’ pipe tobacco it’s a bit better but not great,I actually find First Nation cigs taste the best after trying everything else. I’d prefer to grow my own but it’s not a huge priority for me right now


Before I stopped smoking cigs I always liked “golden virginia” rolling tobacco + rizzla papers and filters. Picked it up when i was living in the UK. In the US for pre-rolled cigs I think American Spirits are the best.

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I tried pipe tobacco from Missouri grown by native tribes and it’s still shit…

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Haven’t smoked tobacco in many years but was a fan of American Spirits.


Agreed man government cigs are terrible after having other options.
For example these’cheep’ smokes are ‘garbage’ but they can be forgotten in a ashtray and they burn from tip to filter without stopping. A lot less chemicals sprayed on them


Camel Turkish Royals were my smoke of choice. That was years ago though, I just vape now a days. :+1:


30 years ago I quit smoking tobacco :innocent: I rolled this one:

Was a good cover for smoking joints ejem|nullxnull. Sadly I haven’t smoked hash since, but love the grass… Pirata|nullxnull


I used to smoke Marlboros but I quit in 2000, cold turkey…smoking pot(1 hitters) everyday helped me quit…I quit 3-4 times before I finally quit for good…my past 4 girlfriends all smoked cigarettes but I never got the urge to smoke again, even when I lit their cigarettes…


i finally quit in ~2010 after a few 100 attempts, wish i could say i did it in 2000. One of the best things i ever did for myself i think. used electroacupuncture on the last go round
i sit down to a nice cigar about 1-2x a month now.
american spirits were good stuff before i threw in the towel. not a cheap pack by any means


I quit years ago. How much are they now a days? $15 a pack?


Well, I’ve come to that point too. I believe the conclusion you’re coming to is cigarettes are fucking gross.

Tobacco smells amazing. Nicotine is pretty great. I think I fooled myself into ever thinking tobacco smoke is good. Always acrid and ashy.

Go look at pipe tobacco. Like where they sell nice pipes. Not stuff meant for rolling. Get a nice Mild Virginia, maybe pick up some aromatic blends. Grind that up yourself and roll it. It’s a chore but a treat. Otherwise I just go for the Camel menthols with the extra menthol crush.


I smoked at parties in high school. It wasn’t until I was working in the oil patch and was introduced to Drum tobacco - I was hooked.
Best tobacco I ever used. Hard to shake that crap.



My brother smokes that back home old hobournre as well

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I mix tabacco with weed American spirits orange pack lol fuxing $14 pack,
When I’m not smoking weed I just vape E-juice takes the edge off not smoking cigarettes


I quit years ago. Didn’t get really heavily addicted until I tried menthols… got up to more than a pack a day real quick. Camel crush menthols… to quit I just took a bong rip whenever I craved a cigarette. Still smoked blunts sometimes though.


no such thing as a commercially produced cigarette that tastes/feels good anymore
if you like tobacco, try a pipe. loose tobacco marketed for use in a pipe is unadulterated, and theres a huge range of flavors to be had. just do a little research beforehand- smoking a pipe is different than a cig or weed. there are forums out there that can steer you in the right direction