Plant getting ugly on me

A quick rundown on the grow
Plants in 2 gallon pots
Plants 3 weeks old
pH is 6.5
Temperature and humidity are around 70f and 50%RH
Black Gold soilless mix which contains some slow release fertilizer
Sure start fertilizer, 2tbl mixed in with the lower half of the soil
2 tbl dolomite per pot

You can see all the plants have had some issues, but the one is much worse than the others. The two worst are both sweet cheese from Sweet seeds. A third looks fine. The other two are sweet Zkittlz and San Fernando lemon Kush, also from sweet seeds
All the plants had issues on their first true leaves, but now they are mostly over it.



I am using an old phone, and the camera is much worse than the newer one I had. Sorry for the fuzzy pictures

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Did you pull them out of their pots to look at the roots.
Check to see what color they are first, check for bugs or root rot.
I think you’ll find they either eating up the nitro and possible calmag a bit faster that the rest.
Usually when they get to looking like that I like to uppot.
Takes care of the problem quickly.

And use Pro Mix potting soil


Hows your watering schedule? You let them dry out?


Don’t ever let them dry out, out.
After a while you can pick up the pot and tell how dry it is by weight.
Water accordingly

I water daily cuz I like keep my eye on things.
Pending how your rh is in your grow area will determine that also fan circulation helps in the drying off aspect


The pots have not dried enough to water them this entire time, although I did have to give a sprinkle to the seedlings roots. Pots are still plenty heavy

I feel like is overwatering judging by the top leaves, unless is the end of the light cycle they should be perky. Got one in the same boat right now. They will come back, but don’t listen to me hopefully others more experienced can chime in.


I run under similar problems while growing different strains with the same feed schedule :sweat:, not all of them react equally as they have different needs.

I see some Magnesium def in some of them and too dark leaves on other, but nothing to really worry about and that can be easily solved … beer3|nullxnull


Thanks guys!
I am just going to monitor them for now, especially the new leaves. I will be letting the pots dry out more, no more watering for now

Judging by the dark green leaves I believe your plants are a bit over fed. Now they’re starting to show a nute burn or little lock out. Anytime you use a soil with fertilizer in it, AND an added fertilizer, you run the risk of a nute burn. When you water too frequently your releasing nutrients too frequently. Let them dry out thoroughly ie light pots. When you space out the waterings you are spacing out the feedings. This should allow your plants a bit of time to mature and handle the extra nutrients as they develop. I think you have to pick a lane… I recommend pro mix and a well balanced liquid nutrient when watering. If you want to have ferts in the soil search for an organic soil and just water


I’m glad to hear overwatering and over fertilizing. That makes sense. Surprising, but makes sense.
Where do I get promix? This was the most basic formulation I could find, and I am bummed they included the fertilizer. I thought it would be mild enough to not affect anything, but it appears that might be wrong.

I plant in the full size pot, and thoroughly moisten the soil. The soil then takes forever to dry, over 3 weeks in this case. What am I doing wrong?

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It sounds like that soil is too heavy. You want a light airy soil. In the states most home depots have promix now, but it can be found a lot of places. Move up a pot size and transplant into promix. If there’s extra soil in the pot they’re in now genlty remove it…if you can see roots out by the pots edge just leave it alone .


I just went thru that and they told me overwatering. It took 4 days for them to show dry :blush: Than I watered with plan water as they told me. They came around and nothing on new growth.

Good Luck.


Put an old dish towel under those pots and it will wick out the water and dry them over night. I use this trick often if I get soggy pots or have to flush.


Never would have thought. You always come up with great tricks.

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Nice trick! Unfortunately it looks like the soil at the drain holes has become too dry and the wicking doesn’t appear to be working

I had the same issues with black gold soil with my oaxacan plants. For me it was Calcium and magnesium deficiency. I didn’t add any lime and I should have. You’ll soon have nitrogen deficiency too if your plants do as mine did. It’s really a pretty poor soil , nice structure but not enough nutrients. I Watered with 20 drops of cal-mag per gallon every watering, and top dressed with some seafood compost to add calcium and magnesium, and they are slowly looking better.
It could be something else of course but i just went through this with black gold, though i had potting soil…good luck.


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