Help with plant problem


i may be having some septoria issue, but it looks a bit different than most of the pics online.

any ideas?

i’ll try to get more pics, but my phone broke and what i have to do to get a single pic on this website is wild.


I would say Calcium, waiting for better pics … beer3|nullxnull


Probably looks different from what you see online because that likely isn’t what it is. What does the rest of the plant look like?

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Flower? Phos Def looks like maybe.

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Some questions.

What medium?
Indoor or outdoor?
Have they been fed and if so with what?
How often?
Soil ph?
More pics if plant be informative,
Water PH?

Sorry, hate to ask a bunch of questions but it may

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@Dirtroadfarmer @George

i am waiting to get better pics, but the plant on the right is the same one. the pic is from 2 weeks ago…you may remember. the plant on the let got chopped up and put into the cloner.

@Slammedsonoma420 @Toker1

it’s in a clone/holding tent. yet veg.
coco solo cup, it’s been in a solo for 8 months or so.
it was in the garage with a bunch of other clones for most of the summer. temp/humidity were not controlled. now in the house at 70f.
I am sure i had some septoria at some point…it was pretty humid and hot in the garage.

water ph is 5.8. maxibloom at 500 to 700ppm.

tonight work is being a biotch…will get pic asap[

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You should have followed that thread, more easy for people to help you knowing all the previous circumstances… beer3|nullxnull


Looks like a fungal disease


fully agree
maybe its nice to renew the substrate or at least disinfect it can be helpful


i just applied some bonide sulfur.

do i need to run copper too?

I think you need to cut it all down and burn it

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ah so far i think one you got is one that infects only the dead tissue so it must be fine
it wont infect alive tissues yet yield will be poor

dont think you have to run the copper but lets see!

What fungal disease infects dead tissue ?


Yeah but they get their food how ? They kill the healthy cells lol. It’s spreading up the plant. That thing is toast.

it sat with no light (no power, hurricane) for a week before that pic. i lost all my clones except 2. i took cuts of those plants in the pic. all of them rooted and look ok.

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Plant next to it is also not healthy. Look at the crown of both plants. There rotted

the one on the left is not the plant in question.

I would take clones from the one on the right too and just start over from clone.

I am not sure what the exact issue is but pretty much Any plant is going to look crappy after spending 8 months in a tiny solo cup. You can only keep a plant healthy and happy for so long in a pot that small.

If you really want to try and salvage that plant on the right, re-pot it into a bigger container. But starting again from clones is probably the best bet.

Then next time use bigger pots and flower them out sooner! Like give them a month of veg at the most then flip the light cycle to flower (12 hours on, 12 hours off).


i did that already. i wanted to keep the older one around until i was really sure i had good clones

the alternative was killing them, i had a bunch of work on the house done so those that survived the garage survived. it took 6 months. everything was ok on 5 cuts, then we had a hurricane and the people who control the power here decided to f us all up for a week for shits and giggles. anyway. there is no up potting except for production running in my setup. i think the damange to the roots in the pics are from the week with no light. I was out of own so i had a guy coming by watering, but the power never came back on. i lost the roots on a few other cuts

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