Pollen (various strains)

I have fresh pollen from 2 regular males.
Oven desiccated at 95f then mixed with desiccated flour.

Jungle Boys Florida Strawberry
Grape Kush

These will be producing all summer.
Questions or comments welcome.
USA, CANADA shipping only.
For sale or trade, trade for seeds preferably.
I’m interested in indicas mostly, no more sativas please…unless it’s a bombass strain i would be dumb to turn down.


Good stuff @Mudballs ! :+1:

I’m curious about your flour to pollen ratio. I cut about 5:1 (toasted flour: pollen).

I was packaging mine in small vacuum freezer bags, I figured that would keep the moisture out.



Hey bud, are you drying your pollen in the oven or am I reading that wrong? How much pollen is in the vials you are selling and how much are you selling them for? I mean without the flower added of course :slight_smile: Thanks.


Im definitely interested in some grape kush pollen and I am just curious if u have any pics of any of the females flowering or what u are selling for !?!?


LoL seriously LoL i stopped my post because u beat me to the questions Doug


Typical indica. $35 includes tracking.
@Gpaw my ratio is more pollen than flour. I deal in big piles so it’s easy to just have a small pile of flour on the plate with the pollen that both get dehydrated. Mix those and done.users can cut it further if they want.
Yeah it’s to reduce humidity before bottling is all.when you harvest they have a high humidity, outdoors is high, house is avg. 60% so you oven dry em. The oven has a setting between off and 150…that’s all you need to get sub 20% RH, then put in vial. There’s enough to do a big girl.


Thanks for the info bud. I know a little about pollen collection myself so I was curious. I pass it out in 2ml packs. I did have some moisture issues on my last collection but really just do the the shear volume as I collected over a 1/4 lb :slight_smile: I never thought to sell it but it looks like I cheated myself as I just sent out 50 packs and am about to send out 30 to 50 more, lol. Best of luck, always growers out there looking for good pollen.


I’ve got a pretty killer selection myself. 11-12 varieties all from the last 3-4 months . Even more if you wanna go past that. Mostly all heavy indica. I’d be down for a trade.


I do trades also man. I’ll take any heavy indica seeds you got in fair trade for pollen. Still haven’t found my golden fleece so if you want to trade instead of money im cool.


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