Pollination control

Anyone ever use this company? Looks like exactly what ive been looking for to help with pollen tossing projects indoors and out. Can do small isolations in my flower room without pollinating everything. The citadel looks perfect. Flowering males out in the bags looks promising as well for collecting pollen and allowing males to grow in same environment as females without pollinating the whole room.


Not familiar with them, but I’m curious as I’ve been looking at similar options and there isn’t much out there. Seed Saver offers some similar products but they can be a bit pricey.

My “concern” with the place you posted is that they will probably only do big, wholesale orders since they list no prices and you must get a quote to find out. Otherwise they look quality.

I’ve used a homemade isolation chamber made out of a big clear Rubbermaid container. It works but it’s bulky and a bit shorter than I’d like


So let’s make an order! Lol but really, I don’t have any experience with the site or products but I’m super curious. You do become very limited very quickly when working with pollen… curious to hear what comes of this. Thanks @GreenHighland

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That looks pretty cool. I just don’t trust companies who say “get a quote” instead of telling you how much their gear is.


i reached out to them last year minimum order was 1000

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I feel most vindicated. :shield:

I found a company that will sell 10 at a time… for 400-500 bucks
(The full size plant bags)

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Yeah, those seem great. @JAWS taught me a great trick back in the day, he used those tall, clear christmas wrapping paper holders, the tall plastic ones with lids to isolate plants with. I bought one and used it many times. I used weather stripping to seal it and cut a hole in the top and sealed it off with a fine mesh that prevented pollen from escaping but allowed for the exchange of gasses. The clear plastic allows light to penetrate. It is tall enough for those tall lanky males too.


ya those things worked quite well for-sure. i still have 4 of them up in the attic.

very nice …

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You can use row cover to do the same thing. Not all grades are the same, so you gotta do some research, but yeah, $500 is crazy for a fabric bag.

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I would like to try them as additional protection and pollen collection. I would still grow separate strain in separate area with separate air sources.

:green_heart: :seedling: