Branch covering , For different pollen

Interested , If biodegradable grow bags are
usable for branch covering during pollination?
I guess , they will conduct pollen ?


I dunno. I would guess not.

What exactly are you trying to do? Perhaps there’s another method.

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Those bags will not isolate pollen. They are way too porous. If isolation is the goal, it must be non-porous material.


Very cool, I didn’t even know these existed. Now I wanna find some, down the rabbit hole I go!


I use brown paper wine bottle bags from my local liquor store, indoors and out. The price is right (generally free), they’re biodegradable, they’re the right shape and size and seem to work pretty well for me.

You can’t use anything plastic, it traps humidity and heat and will kill the branch.


Question for people that pollinate single branches. How long does the bag need to stay on?
Once the pollen contacts the plant, how long till fertilization.


Hey @Tuned . It happens fast, from 20 mins to 2hrs. When I do pollinations in the shower stall I leave the pollen on the receiving plant for one dark period, about 12 hrs, just because it’s convenient. I then wash the receiving plant down really well and let it dry. I usually get a ton of seed from one application over that 12 hr period. I think I read in Mel Frank’s book, that he leaves the bags on for 2 days. Paper is best, because after the pollination period you can hose the bag down with water till it’s totally saturated , neutralizing the remaining pollen, before you remove it.


I used to pollinate a branch with a platic bag and let the pollen there 2 or 3 days, then i remove and it does not contaminate another branches


Thanks for response peeps :green_heart:

wanted to pollinate the same plant with separate pollen sources.

Before starting the pollination process, I covered several branches for different pollen. when I removed the bags , noticed that some of the trichomes on the branches inside the bags had also turned brown :poop:

So @Tracker is right , it’s not working…

Thanks @Tuned , cool stuff. I’ve seen these pollen bags somewhere, and I was thinking mine might be same lol


Wow :+1:

So It works like this: A short amount of time (20 minutes to 2 hours) is enough to receive pollen, as @Budderton mentioned.

Then Accumulated humidity can kill any remaining pollen in 2-3 days

but this duration is not sufficient to kill the branches…

Nice :+1:

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Exactaly the humidity will “kill” the pollen.

But i never try to pollinate the same mother plant with different pollen donators


I overnight the bag on the plant, one dark cycle.

Then like @Budderton I wet the bag and branch to prevent any unwanted pollen spread.

If I’m hitting one plant with multiple strains of pollen I spread them out with three or four days between the different pollens with water spray downs on pollinated branches each day.

Also, use multicoloured twist ties on the branch you pollinate. A different colour for different pollens makes keeping track of exactly what’s where much easier.

Approx 45 days from pollination to mature seed.


Oh fuck i forgot
I do it with my sour diesel bx3 last run hahahha

Pollinate one branch on week3 and another branch on week5
Two different males marked with black and blue tape on the branches

But never test these seeds


Here’s a step by step for a Selective, Sequential Pollination technique:
