Pollination Bags

I’m quite interested in getting some proper pollination bags due to my limited space. It’d be nice to flower some small males outside, or even inside my tent, and have some semblance of pollen control.

I found these, they look legit. CannaLock Pollination Bag - MIDCO Global

It seems many are looser fabric, this is 10um. And big enough to actually toss around a plant. Anyone have any experience with these? I’ve searched a bit and found some homebrew solutions and some amazon/alibaba-esque stuff.

I got a quote for shits and grins, $25 each but minimum order of 10 (a “bundle”). Could be a group buy opportunity, I’d be happy to run something like that.



That’s a great idea. I would try something like that.

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How about using frost protection cloth?


I’ve been worried it wasn’t fine enough to contain the pollen. Is it?

I dont really know,just an idea really, the best way to check is see if flour or talcum powder falls through it?



I mean if they work…

I’ve seen guys use micropore tape but for reversed single branches I think.

I’ve got a stack of brown paper sandwich bags that I’ll try sometime in the next 15 years.

Best of luck.


I’ve been thinking about using something like that too. Thing is premade like this one is expensive.

10um should be tight enough given pollen size is in the 25-30 um.

I’ve found material of that micron size on well known chinese big seller websites (alisomething :smiley: ) For less than the price of one of this pollination bag, you get 1 sqm sheets from which you can make pollination bags the size you want. I’ll try that option rather.


I understand why they look like a good idea but honestly, I dont trust those pollen bags. I have found that easiest is best. Order some tyvec envelopes from the post office ( absolutely free ) .

  • Note- Tyvec envelopes can also be used for growing mushrooms. :rainbow:

Thanks for the hint! @Budderton was advising for them too in their thread. Much easier to source and cheaper.

I’d like to see how the micron sheets are working though, could have interesting use cases.


Hey @FieldEffect . I haven’t seen those ones before, but I tried pollen containment bags that where designed for cauliflower and they spewed pollen everywhere. It seems like the Cannalock are designed to be cannabis specific (hense the huge make up😁) so you have to think they made it with an appropriate micron size. They would provide maximum gas exchange but I don’t know…I get by with my homemade paper bags and get no pollen leakage and no mold( as long as i make the bags big enough). Plus I can get 100 sheets of 24" x 24" packing paper for something like $7 at the Home Cheepo. I would definitely be interested in how they worked out for you.