Positive pressure in grow tent?

im setting up some grow tents in an old building and im worried about pollen drifting and contaminating all my hard work. i was wondering if it anyone sees a problem with running a slight positive pressure filtered through a carbon filter to prevent mold spores and pollen making its way into the tents. odor is not a concern for me.


Look into HEPA filters…


Positive pressure still has to push through the filter but if your tent or room has any kind of pressure leaks then I honestly think the pollen will escape through them. Pollen is insidious like water is. It will find a way out the grow area somehow :+1:


i was thinking carbon on the outside of the tent, pushing intake air through it. i dont plan to use a carbon filter for exhaust, only for air entering the tent.

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Hmmm :thinking: never thought about it that way. I can’t honestly say. The theory sounds about right but often people fail on the theory side when they put it into action stuff doesn’t work out. Sorry I can’t help more mate.
So your saying your flower area will be within your breeding area but with kind of a air pressure seal?? I think your asking for problems doing it that way.

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i dont plan to breed, but i was walking my dog and i noticed an obvious male growing in someones backyard (i wasnt looking for it, just noticed it) i know pollen can drift up to 10 miles. and im seeing seeded bud in peoples weed that who try to sell to my dispensary. i remember watching a show about clean rooms and they use filtered air in positive pressure system to keep contams down. maybe im over complicating things, ive been known to do that.


Did you knock on their door and let them know they should do something with it?

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Filters will help a great deal put on both sides of the tent. I understand your paranoia. I doubt your bud would be seeded ever but being careful can’t hurt if your willing to buy the filters :+1:

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hell no, peeps around here are half crazed. i made a mental note and went home and did some drinking thinking about the problem. im positive they arent the only ones growing a fing male

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Yes, your idea will work. As long as you have actual positive pressure in the tent, then the only air getting in is going through your intake, which is filtered. Someone already mentioned a HEPA air filter, and I think that’s what I would go with instead of a carbon filter. Those are designed to work the way you want it to. In fact, that’s exactly how laboratories are filtered, to keep contaminants out. It’s also how “glove boxes” work.

Yes, if odor isn’t a concern, there’s nothing wrong with your plan.


They’re only half crazed down there up here in this corner they are fully crazed. :wink: BTW I’ve thought about running my tents that way just to get a little more space because i figure I’m losing about 6 inches on either side because it’s all sucked in all the time.