Potentially new method for making clones?

Nice one @Nagel420
This is a very, very good technique!
May be the best way to clone outdoors.

I like sand too
The sand makes it easier to pull plants out without root damage, at least those are my findings.

In sand under a mister, or in an easy cloner type method, the plant forms what are sometimes referred to as water roots and those roots can be prone to breaking easily.
So I have to agree with @herojuana.tom.
But is it a deal breaker, not in the least, again those are my personal findings.

I love this method!
In fact I have rooted several trees indoors with this method, trees that simply would not root in a spray cloner or cubes or other known methods.
I just used something the size of a shoe box, I did not need anything bigger.

This method works best for hardwood cuttings but will work well for cannabis, which is a softwood cuttings.

My go-to guy when it comes to this tech is Big Mike.
I learned a ton from this guy and he has a ton of videos out too.
Now I just checked and he has lost weight so maybe it is just mike now. :clown_face:

Anyway here is a couple of links to ol’ mikes garden.