Power outages and dwc

You need a small generator. The one I have has 2 outlet (plus RV outlet) I run a heavy duty cord thru the window to run the most vital appliances. We had the high teens last week and now have a heat wave going…It got to 20 the last 2 days.
edit: I stuff towels in the crack the cord makes.

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Working on it

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I had one of those when I lived on a rural farm. We had dozens of large animals in pasture whose only access to water was dependant on our well pump running. Since we couldn’t afford to be without power very long we invested in the Generac and it was worth every penny!

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I had the same issue. Once had to run hoses to the pasture from the neighbors. His tree feel on my lines (2X different trees and times). Because of a storm they got every one up by numbers affected. They didn’t get to my line for 5 days.

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Get a big long straw and start blowing! Lol🤪keeping fingers cross it will be up and running in no time!


NC, and Idk, most of my neighbors seemed to agree that reinforced powerlines would be a good idea. The electric companies shareholders on the other hand probably dgaf as long as they maximize profits regardless of the social cost.


I’m in Florida so outages are really no big deal. It’s either storms or lightening fucking something up. The reinforced lines would do no good in the south as it’s not ice they are dealing with it’s falling trees. If you make the cable strong enough to hold the tree the next week link is the pole. I’m sure you’d rather not see an entire street of poles on the ground lol


They’re just shielded with a plastic halfshell, simple solution that makes a giant difference.

I would empty out 2/3 of my buckets. Just as long as 1/4 of your roots are in the nutes your good. Some people do hydro this way with no air stones. I forget what this method is called. If you get worried you can take some of you nute water and water from the top and let it run down your roots.

I know I’m a little late to the party but I used to worry about the same thing. I dont so much anymore.

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They are all like that lol the load line is covered and the neutral exposed as it doesn’t need to be shielded as it won’t short. Lots of older houses the ground and neutral go to the same bar in the breaker box. The reason the power goes out when a tree lays on anything other than transmission lines is it breaks it somewhere. Now the unshielded transmission lines are another story but those are the same from key west all the way to rhode island at least. Hell the time I spent up there the infrastructure is the same, actually outdated in most of the north from what I saw. Here every 5 years they cut all trees back minimum 6 feet from main lines not the case up north lol seems like frustration got you complaining about a problem that occurs nation wide, storms cause power outages

I’m a naturally grumpy person :sweat_smile:


You’re not the only one


Now here’s to hoping tonight’s ice storm doesn’t knock everything out again :neutral_face::upside_down_face:


Let’s hope you make it through ok. Don’t sweat the plants as they will be fine for a few days and even then just a vigorous stirring of the nutes will oxygenate the solution


How often do you change your dwc when you don’t have issues?

Ever hear of a Bubble Box? I use one in my bait bucket to keep the minnows going. Under 8 bucks and runs on two D cells…https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000EYULIS/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_RYTMGMFGCCBPJV1F908F


I change the res every 7 days. If it gets below half I add PHed water to top up. I’ve tried just topping up with fresh solution and ended up with massive burning issues


Grab a couple of those battery powered air pumps and you will sleep better knowing that the girls will be safe if the lights go out. They’re about 10 bucks on ebay.

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Know all about it. It doesn’t even have to rain here in Citrus county sometimes. It will just get a little dark and thunder and the power and cable seem to run and hide under the bed like a little scared puppy.

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I’m in soil now, it’s much easier :sweat_smile: don’t know that I’ll be doing much hydro in the future. Maybe in a small auto grow.

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