What to do when power goes out?

How do you handle power going out an throwing off your trimmers ? I woke up to no power. My bloom room is from 4:20pm til 4:20 am. I know power was on at 2am but I fell alseep woke up at 7 no power. Should I even worry about it ?


Just by luck the clock on my kitchen stove retains the time it went out… maybe u r so lucky

(you mean timers right? not trimmers?) :wink:



:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: the best answer ever… People get paranoid when stuff like a power outage happens. Once or twice won’t do anything to hurt the plant but if it’s a regular occurrence the plant will likely freak out, sulk then grow some balls.


When the power comes back, simply correct the current time on the timer. Do not make any changes to the on/off cycle. Just make sure it is now reflecting the correct time of day.


Yeah lol I ment timmers. I got typing to fast


Thank you will do that for sure

Mmmmm timmers sounds like donuts


Does how long power out matter ? Will keep in mind tho once or twice is all good


4:20 that’s so funny @Puremich420 . Never thought about doing that.


No mate time shouldn’t matter as long as it’s not off for days. If they are in veg it won’t effect them at all. In flower if it’s a regular occurrence your plants can get sexually confused because of stress and throw balls on you.


It works out great for me. Lol gets me out of making dinner. My lady hates an reason / excuse to go smoke one. With kids an there school being dumb changing up all schools time start an end are different they share buses.

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Now that you point it out yeah it does

That’s what I was thinking. Just hard searching to find a good answering. Lol google don’t know everything. I figured veg was good. Blooms the only one I worry about with lights. But yeah might have been off just 2 hours tops. Only once this year. Last year we didn’t have power for 3 days. That hurt


The sonoff gear can just resume the usual schedule once the wifi comes back on.


The biggest risk with a power outage for me is the smell.


I have a portable car battery jumper with a 120 v outlet on it, which allows me to use a desk lamp with 9w LED bulb 60 w equivalent, just to keep them in the zone, lasts about 16 hours before it goes dim. any longer than that and they will freeze out there in my workshop anyway. I really need a small generator. 4 outages so far this winter the longest was 4 hours.


:thinking: But it’s ALWAYS 4:20 somewhere … D’OH! :laughing: :clock: :earth_americas: :recycle:



Very Good point on that lol

After years of using those shitty plastic dial timers I got a nice digital one with battery backup for like $30. It keeps time even if the power goes out for hours and charges itself.

I wouldn’t recommend it for lights over like 600w though.


I use a usp battery backup, the lights and extraction fan are hookup up to it so if I lose power it’ll kick over to the battery.

Battery backup wasn’t designed to run 700w of draw, so I extended out the battery wires and rigged it to an Abrams tank battery (thank u army base for not knowing how to maintain batteries)

U can usually dig up a perfectly good usp from a best buy dumpster or another electronic box store dumpster. Battery goes bad so people just toss them not knowing they can be replaced. I also pull hard drives for magnets and DVD burners or laser projectors for the laser diodes.

Then again - I’m on a first name basis with the store security guys, mostly cuz they tell me to get the hell out of there dumpsters. Hey, if they don’t want peeps in them they should lock them up.