Product review: Herb iron ceramic pen lighter

The herb iron is a commercial version of a DIY ceramic tipped soldering iron ignition design that’s been around for a while. They added a few safety features to the design which I quite like. After using the product for a few days, I feel confident in recommending it to you all. I paid full price for the product, ive never spoken with them.

Background - Hippies discovered that you could replace the heating element of a 25w soldering iron with a ceramic heater. This allows you to ditch the butane completely and light your bud with a piece of stone that’s resistively heated. This helps accentuate the flavor profile of your bud, you don’t have all that butane masking those delicious terps! The thing is though that this design is kind of dangerous. The whole leaving a soldering iron turned off all day hanging around on your table is a bit risky. Hippies took this concept to the next level and attached a glass cover and wand to cover the ceramic heater so it wasn’t directly exposed. viola! The table top wand vaporizer was born. My favorite of this design is the da buddha wand vaporizer. It’s awesome.

The herb iron goes back to the vaporizer’s roots. It took that original design and made it safer. It has a button that must be engaged for the heater to turn on and feels much nicer in my hand than soldering iron. The build quality is decent, I feel like it will be around for a few years.

Conclusion. Would Recommend. For a connoisseur this is an opportunity to drop the butane and kick the flavor of your bud up a notch.


Got a particular brand you like? And maybe a picture or two? Thank you so much for bringing this to at least my attention! :yum: :slight_smile:

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Super cool
Pictures of it in action?

i remember when the creater just made this and was trying to advertise it on a popular forum, that was a long time ago. it looks solid but it also looks too dangerous to me.

Put in herb iron into search bar
Scroll down to my post on may 21
I show mine lit ( what’s your favourite gadget )
Maybe someone can copy pic and put in here
: )

@mota , herb iron is the brand

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Right! Thank you so much as always, @ifish!

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@mota i probably should have included a photo or two, my brain kinda trailed off there and i logged off.
here she is. this morning im smoking some kief thats collected in my grinder, avoiding the butane really brings out those piney flavors from the kief. im using that grav hand pipe, putting the kief over a pile of well burned ash then waving the iron just above the kief. if it touches the kief the dusty stuff tends to stick to it a bit but fear not, itll burn off fairly quickly.


d8JBdDJ Thank you so much, @sardinebags, for those great photos! I can really see the instrument clearly.

Perhaps you were High as fuck @125???



Very cool, I think I need one!


And this whole concept is why I own a Silver Surfer. :smiley:

(*not mine, but same design but mine’s just classic black. :ok_hand: )


That is a nice hot element to light with. How much does one of those cost?
I recently got an arc-lighter off of Amazon. Their about 30 bucks each and rechargeable. So no more butane for me.


nice! i have something similar. those arc lighters are clutch for lighting joints but they dont work as well for me when using a hand pipe or bong. the heat isnt consistent enough to evenly heat the bowl. the advantage of a ceramic heating element is that you can use it for radiant heat by wanding it over the surface of the bud or as a direct ignition point for corning a bowl by just barely touching it to the surface.

tl/dr: the arc lighters are better for on the go, but a corded table top ceramic wand works better for me at home.

as for cost… ya the herb iron is definitely pricey. its $85 shipped. It seems like its just one guy assembling and shipping these out of his house. it took him three full weeks to ship after placing my order. my guess is that he was using that time to solder it together one weekend. all in all i really like it. the guy who makes these isnt making a whole lot of money on these given he is out of socal. there is room for improvement but i would absolutely buy another for a friend as is.


Yea for the first 1/4 of the pull I load the bong up 1/4 vape and then with the last 3/4 pull I light her up : )
After a month of continuas use I was able to blind test a joint if it was lit with lighter or herb iron
The butane taste is there with lighters we just so used to it we can’t taste it

A yellow flame is a dirty flame , try a lighter flame on the bottom of a drinking glass and see ( black )
Then ask yourself …… would I lick that haha then realise you breathing it in lol ( worse )


Nicer looking than some of the arc lighters I’ve seen. Just be damn sure not to touch that to a metal pipe! I guarantee it will be a shockingly nasty result. You won’t like it.

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Yeah, it kind of looks like a taser. Maybe you I use it for self defense.

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