Utillian 5 (V3) Vape pen

After doing some extensive stoner research on the best vape pen to go with I landed on The Utillian 5 (V3). I almost bought a Dr Dabber but their ghost model use wicks and cheap coils that seem light years behind other companies in vape pen technology.

Their stella model apparently sucks through and through. They advertise it as a low temp vaporizer paired with a ceramic bucket positioned over the heating coils. Great idea in concept executed poorly. It simply does not heat to a high enough temp to vape concentrates. You can see the sad stories allover the web in forums and youtube video comments. Not to mention Dr Dabber does not provide enough specs on their units which is highly suspect. How big is the battery? They wonā€™t tell ya. That says to me itā€™s a cheap low grade battery, otherwise youā€™d advertise the great specs if it were a quality battery. And who knows? Maybe with stronger more durable battery it might actually work?

I then reviewed Kandypens which seems to be the top of the line in the game. Their prices match the quality though and were too costly for what Iā€™m wanting to do. Puffco was my next stop. Everything looks good on the surface with design and functionality, but dig a little deeper and youā€™ll find a low quality garbage unit. Replacement components are overpriced, and according to lots of their customers, break frequently. Clearly the company is setup as a money grab scheme with their customers that keeps feeding Puffco money long after you bought the pen.

Also, $89 for the Puffco plus. Or 2 for $99. I remember when Kia did something similar in the early 2000ā€™s. Buy one get one free. They actually did that, and every single one of them had at least 1 transmission and engine replacement by 100k miles. Puffco is a kia masquerading as a quality product with inferior design and components compared to other manufacturers.

Yocan evolve plus was my next stop. Cheap and effective from what I hear. Watched some youtube videos and itā€™s junk. Quartz coils that fail frequently and a short mouthpiece placed too close to the heating element resulting in an uncomfortable amount of heat on the mouthpiece while vaping. Definitely not something Iā€™d invest my money in.

I ended up ordering the Utillian because of the 1500mAh battery which is the best Iā€™ve seen in any manufacturer for a portable vape pen. The construction is solid too. Stainless steel body. No stupid glass mouth piece to endlessly break and replace. 2 different high quality coils can be used. They have a Ceramic Twisted Kanthal coil and a Triple Titanium coil. The Kanthal is best for smaller quantityā€™s while the Triple Titanium is best for large loads. The Ceramic Kanthal coil is going to produce less heat which is why itā€™s best for small loads. The ceramic will also provide a better flavor. If youā€™re sharing with friends or just wanna burn down a gram of concentrate in a few hits for yourself, you gotta bust out the Triple Titanium. High heat and strong vape power.

Mine should arrive by Thursday next week. I actually bought this thing because Iā€™m traveling over the road and donā€™t want to bring stinky flower allover with me. I stocked up on 7 grams of rosin concentrate that I plan to use my rig for. I also like hash a lot. Even more so than concentrates. I made some dry ice hash last night from an oz of bud I got from the dispensary that just didnā€™t smoke the way I wanted. The has turned out great.

Iā€™ll report back my review once I get to take it for a spin. I also plan to burn some hash in there. I wanna see how it works or if it gunks up the coils. Iā€™m anal about clean smoking pieces so Iā€™ll clean it daily with iso.

Wow this was a long rant! If anyone has recommendations or comments to offer please fire away!


This is my ā€˜go toā€™, great tool.

The ceramic coils are great but if you want to go nutz the triple coils are the way.
Battery reserve is crazyā€¦ 1860s I think?
Another interesting thing is they donā€™t regulate the voltageā€¦ they regulate power (watts).



I used to make insanely nerdy coils for a rebuildable dripping atomizer, and make wicks out of things like rolled up ss mesh or quartz or no wick at all. Once I used pieces of broken aquarium ceramic filters

This looks like what I was making, but on purpose, lol.

I eventually found this dude on Instagram called @aspirakles I think doing the same thing, but way crazier. I donā€™t know if heā€™s still aroundā€¦this was 5-6 years ago.

Let us know how it works. Iā€™m in the market.


I only really have experience vaping nicotine juice (which I have quit nicotine :)) but this is the way. Before my squonk I had a tank with triple coils. Such a delight carried away on the clouds like a freight train :steam_locomotive:

Oh, weā€™re friends now. I ended up settling on mesh, so I didnā€™t do a ton of building but I do appreciate an elaborately made coil.

Eta: absolutely no recommendations. Like I mentioned, my experience is with ā€œregularā€ vaping and it seems very different. I havenā€™t got into the different concentrates, just stick to flower. I am interested in vaping THC and fconcentrates, so Iā€™ll be watching the thread!


Oh, hey :wave: friend! :grin:


Itā€™s been a while since I got a pic of some nice coils! Are these the braided, twisted? I bet they roast some juice!

Do you vape THC with this mod?

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Iā€™ve heard those ceramic coated quartz coils with some manufacturers donā€™t heat enough to properly vape the concentrate. I saw reports of the Dr Dabber Stella doesnā€™t heat enough resulting in poor performance and small hits. The DD uses a ceramic bucket with coils underneath and poorly performs from all the reviews Iā€™ve read. Puffco does a bucket also and seems to be an untrustworthy outfit. $89 for one puffco plus or 2 for $100. Super shady.

I grabbed a 2 pack of the triple titanium coils for backups and the unit comes one each of the titanium and ceramic coils so Iā€™ll let yall know how each Performs. It arrives Friday.


Vaping PG or VG is different than cannabis concentrates. VG AND PG vape at a much lower temperature than cannabis extracts which is why there is separate equipment depending on what youā€™re vaping. Nicotine vaporizers require a thin liquid to vape properly and to prevent clogging up the rig. Cannabis extracts are obviously not fluid like PG and VG nicotine vape concoctions. 2 completely different animals.

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Are you using a mech? Wow I thought I was the only one left! I was a bit of a vape celebrity at one point!


This. The utillian looks like an extended RDA chamber using the same coils Iā€™d vape ejuice with. I used to make something like that myself with my own stuff in order to vape wax and shatter and whatnot. It worked fine but not the best. Maybe this works better :man_shrugging: interested to find outā€¦ Price isnā€™t heinous at least.


Yeah, itā€™s a brass kennedy ruby 25. Itā€™s for sale I guess,lol I donā€™t vape as much anymore, but I still like a solid piece of craftsmanship. Super quality

Hell, Iā€™d give it to you if youā€™re interested

Those were triple parallel twisted helix or something. Kanthal nichrome mix

Braided coils were my shit though, felt more ā€˜rightā€™ as opposed to using a drill, I like the pattern repetition of braiding, it was meditative

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I too used to love building coils! It really can be somewhat therapeutic. Thatā€™s a badass mech! Kennedy Is my favourite cloud chasing rda by far, he just built his stuff proper! Was always killer, pricy but killer! Itā€™s crazy how quickly the whole scene fell off and went to Julyā€™s etc. it was like it was everywhere! EVERYWHEREā€¦ā€¦ then NOWHERE :thinking: man when the government and powers that be takes a big hit they donā€™t play ! :man_facepalming:t2: I still vape , and use all sorts of stuff, tanks, mechs, big 4 batt boxes etc. lol I have a nice collection that sadly is worth nothing now essentially, which also sucks but if u find people who know or are into it itā€™s not hard, they are just not so easily found anymore


I havenā€™t built a coil in a while, but looking at that bad boy glowing has got me itchin I must admit @breadwinner VERY NICE WORK :ok_hand:t3:


Wow Iā€™ve NEVER been able to pull hits like that!,:exploding_head: I have a utilian 730 or something 3 yrs old and never once did I get a good hit off it. At least with flower now I make my own hash and need to find something that works instead of getting you light headed trying like hell to pull a hit not a big hit just a hit.

Will be posted up see how this works out for you op.

I was just gifted an arizer recently by an awesome friend and Iā€™m surprised at the hits I get, plus itā€™s pretty damn simple to use etc. I had bad luck with weed vapes, gave up for a while. Spent a fortune on a pax 3 and hated it (I should sell that bitch) itā€™s hard to find real good products, especially for flower

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Gotta mention.the noisy cricket, the sickest design ever ruined by flimsy cheap parts. If you ever see one with the button upgrade, I need you to grab it for me, itā€™s the mod I miss the most. The old v1, not the one with the chip.

Iā€™ll definitely put out some feelers for you, I know exactly which one, loved that little beast too! I know a few people who had them Iā€™ll ask 100% it was pure power! Lol (not for newbs) Iā€™m surprised I never blew more shit up! Just a few batteries thatā€™s it, especially at the ohms we were pushing to practice etc. stupid! And the thing was in between my teeth, inches from my eyes/brain! Thinking back, I was quite careless but it was sure a lot of fun, plus it got me off of the cigs FINALLY! So it will always hold a special place for me

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Yeah, so satisfying when you make your own juice and build your own coils. Fuck big tobacco.pure evil. If it was just tobacco, weā€™d have no problems, or less anyway. But itā€™s 400+ additives and their combustion byproductsā€¦

Thereā€™s a guy out there that made special ceramic dishes s to put in a specific rda for dabbing, @iluvbutter aka @twistedmesses used to do some crazy expirements with wickless rdas in the early days

I switched to vaping back in the cart puncher days (Pbusardo? Did all the old boge cart reviewsā€¦) for harm reduction and because I knew deep down weā€™d be be putting weed in em soon enough :grin:

If you can find @aspirakles videos on Instagram youā€™ll be all giggly and inspired about it, I promise. I donā€™t have instagram

Here you go buddy

Looks like homie has been busy!

@TopShelfTrees1 Iā€™m thinking about busting out the drill. Are you thinking about busting out the drill too? :hushed::flushed:

I donā€™t wanna clutter this thread, should there be one for this? Is there interest? I have some wire. Anybody else out there try this?

Iā€™ve put dabs on coils wicked with cotton and soaked down with weed-steeped vg, all kinds of stuffā€¦


Oh man! I definitely am now bro! Damn

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Iā€™m so lost but so excited at the same time!:rofl:. I wanna get to just smoking hash not flower!

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