PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

yah for my plants I did a total makeover in 2 days. first I went into the bloom room and cut everything down. Then I went into the veg room and took cuttings off each plant. While the cuttings were drowning I cut down all veg material. I kept big bud(DWC), sugar black rose(LS), King Tut(LS), Bobs burgers(LS). I had at first tried using a water pik tooth brush to wash them off when I was starting my initial cleaning trials. That failed, but I was able to get a bug free-ish crop off by taking the plants back and giving them another scrubbing in bloom. Then I got to drowning them. After that crop was done I started the 30min drowning. It actually takes the spider mites quite some time to rebuild from scratch and spread to new plants once you put the plant in a cold shower and use your hands to try and scrub the plant and remove lots of leaves. That really impacted them. So I knew I was onto something then, because even the vx gas didn’t have quite that powerful an effect.