PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

It can be once you admit it, and seek help.

Hey now, Marijuana is ornamaental too, so why not use the ornamental spray?

Next you are gonna tell me that people just listen to what they are told, without any outside thought or research… :rofl:


Well, my “lite” approach to your protocol 0 wasn’t enough, or I had them on my cloths between the quarantine and the main grow. But I just found some spider mites, very little damage, almost unnoticeable if I wasn’t constantly on the lookout for it. Since my collection just started beginning of Jan, and I’ve been introducing new clones every couple weeks, it could have happened at any point. So now I have close to 30 bonsai mothers and clones to deal with. My new tent that I just ordered today to separate veg and bloom can’t get here soon enough, I’m currently in a 2in1 tent, and my bloom is on day 26 and I can not afford to start them over. So safer sprays until near harvest on them, and then what ever it takes to clean the clones and mothers. Luckily my mothers are all bonsais that I can just hold upside down and dunk into what ever solution I end up using. What would be your go to for cleaning out a collection without starting over?

get a big tub of water and toss em all in there for a good drowning. 30 min submerged then scrub them suckers. I revert to clones and take all the little clones and drown the bugs, and start from there. It’s hardcore but you have to break the cycle.


Hey I got great news! When I went in for my retina scan I also got a new refill for my pen. Now I can cartoon in style! Got some new ideas brewin’


Yea, I was just going over that again in my head. I’m trying to not start all over from fresh cuts, but with the collection I’ve got going, and my plans, I will have to do what it takes! For the mothers, would repeated drowning twice a week for two weeks possibly be enough? Maybe in a solution of neem and or garden soap? I am willing to use chemicals on the vegging plants, and some more natural stuff to keep them at bay in bloom. Once I have a separate veg tent away from the blooming plants, I will continue treatment until I’m sure they’re all gone, then sanitize the 2in1 tent once I harvest. Let it go fallow for 7-10 days before starting another cycle.

yah for my plants I did a total makeover in 2 days. first I went into the bloom room and cut everything down. Then I went into the veg room and took cuttings off each plant. While the cuttings were drowning I cut down all veg material. I kept big bud(DWC), sugar black rose(LS), King Tut(LS), Bobs burgers(LS). I had at first tried using a water pik tooth brush to wash them off when I was starting my initial cleaning trials. That failed, but I was able to get a bug free-ish crop off by taking the plants back and giving them another scrubbing in bloom. Then I got to drowning them. After that crop was done I started the 30min drowning. It actually takes the spider mites quite some time to rebuild from scratch and spread to new plants once you put the plant in a cold shower and use your hands to try and scrub the plant and remove lots of leaves. That really impacted them. So I knew I was onto something then, because even the vx gas didn’t have quite that powerful an effect.


So what did you do to the plants to try and clean them off? I remember seeing something in a rubbermaid. Do you have a magnifying glass? Leaves left on or taken off?

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For the clones that I received in rock wool, I submerged them for 30-45mins (weighted down even), removed the largest fan leaves (but not all), and ran the tap on high over them while holding them upside down, and even swirled in a tub a water too. Then I planted them, rock wool and all, and stuck them in a plastic tent with a no pest strip (version 2 I guess). Turns out it was likely too old, I had it sealed in a Tupperware after I opened it last July. Well I left them in the tent with the old strip for 7-9 days. Took them out, looked them over with a (toy) magnifying glass, checked a few leaves with a loop, called it good :man_facepalming: . Well I’ve been steadily adding clones practically every other week, so it’s my own fault for going lite and not getting a fresh strip (which I know you say can be useless to some mites).
The tent is a personal outdoor shelter, “under the weather pod”. The Rubbermaid tote was what I used over the summer when I got a set of clones from a friend that didn’t make it, so i started from seed after that.

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yah those fucking no pest strips are only good for 6 months once you unseal them. The godamned organophosphates can’t kill the mites 50% of the time. OK well I am trying to analyze failure so I’ve got some more tips.
When I did the protocol 0 I took small cuttings of the plants no more than 5cm/2inch and made them into a stick with nothing on it. Same with the meat breath. I had observed the mite eggs were attached to the leaf, so the best chance of dosing them all was to remove anything resembling a leaf. Also with a small piece of plant like that, I could afford to scan the entire cutting after I had cleaned it looking for mites. And the rinse I was not gentle. It gets molested hardcore damaging it somewhat, no doubt. But you just have to envision killing all the mites. No motherfucker can hide, and survive. I use my fingers and rub the entire cutting, scrubbing it’s every surface. Leave nothing.


I will do that when setting up the new veg tent. Full bore, bare bone cuttings. That will be even after I do a few weeks of dunking in garden soap. Gotta clean it all up as best as I can. I got all mothers cut back, ready for new healthy growth to take cuttings from.
Thank you!


ok…so I got a new story. This contains someone who quit the justice league, but still thinks like them. I’ll call him…cyborg. So someone had a sack of cyborg’s weed and rolled a fatty told me to tell em what I thought of it. I said it was flavorless, but did have some effect. I smelled it and it had barely any smell. So then my question is, how are they growing flavorless odorless weed? Cause I had brought over a killer sack of my meat breath and it was like kryptonite. You could smell the spicyness drifting from my sack of goodies. So I got the sack out and said here stick your snozz in this bag. She says woah! I love it! over fertilizing my weed didn’t work! It still smells awesome. And the taste! POW! fuck me… in 20 years I still haven’t figured out how to grow flavorless odorless weed! HOW!!! FUUUUCK! It frustrates me… Perhaps I should go over to cyborg’s house and do a tour of his grow. Looking… for things. I get it now, why people can say chemical weed has no flavor or smell. Somehow, people ARE accomplishing that feat. And then selling it to the liquor control board for the legal stores and medical patients. Fucking boggles the mind.


Ah-ha! A bucket of mysterious, blue water!

If it is flavorless & little effect… maybe it is just the inhaling of smoke causing this :laughing:


The name cyborg reminded me of this guy from scoobie doo



Which reminds me - I just took some tri color sages inside the other week and protocol Zero’d the fck out of them. Going to grab some spearmint that is in a pretty shady corner and protocol hell them next. Those can take a beat down

The sages are now rooted up & veggin all pretty like. Clean and in the same pots as some other stuff


yah I have to figure out now, how it could fail for some people. That way I can zero in on the parts of the protocol that are really important. For myself, I just do the same things over and over, cause I know it works. But how important is removing the leaves? How much time is actually required to drown them? Is the scrubbing the plant important? How about water temps? heh heh, never too many questions. but always not enough answers.

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For flavorless, odorless bud, I feel it’s caused by high temps under HPS during grow, then most importantly, the fast drying to get to market with no regards to keeping it moist enough for a cure time.


How about an ISO or perhaps Peroxide mixture dunk before taking off all the leaves? Then a secondary dunk / leaf strip… root tip clean up etc… Maybe won’t have 2 drown and scrub just burn and bubble the buggers 2 deth


I don’t do the cure thing, so it can’t be that. High temps…that’s a good idea! I’ve seen 30C wreak havok on a crop. Shit I should bring a temperature gun on my inspection! I’ll think about the cure thing though, I’m not 100% that their method doesn’t destroy the terpenes. If I want guaranteed no flavor no smell I can leave it laying out under the HPS for a couple weeks. It’ll look and taste like shit. So you’re right I should check their drying method as well.


well I’ll admit the iso is fucking deadly to bugs. I think the undiluted iso is deadly to the plant as well heh heh. hrmm I’m not sure I can come up with an alternative to that. I think a really good scrub might do the same job, though. I mean for the vegetables we wash them in warm soapy water. That fucks the mites 100%.

I wonder if the clone could survive a quick wash in warm soapy water. Not hot water, just lukewarm like you’re washing a baby. I sense an experiment forming…

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