PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

If you are looking for a powdery mildew infestation in the greenhouse… I got bad news. It’s dead. I systematically eradicated it! I think most people would have given up once it got infested, and it had been infested for so many years. Nobody thought it could be eradicated once and for all except… moi.
I identified the plants that got mildew. I started out the season spraying them all except one. I sprayed the infested plants from the farmers market. Each vector had to be decontaminated with the sulfur water. Total cost for eradication? 3 tablespoons of sulfur dust. Musta been worth 50 cents. or less. I still have the sulfur water, and I definitely would just spray that one genus of plant. Some on different occasions if I thought I saw a rabbit. The one plant I never sprayed, just everything around it. Powdery mildew isn’t a magical creature. You can kill that shit so easy it’s a joke.