PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

hey so I got this method I’ve been kicking around in my head for a while. I’ll tell everyone here because it’s a monumental task and someone else with connections could probably pull it off easier. So here’s the theory:
The virus that attacks cannabis could also respond to anti viral compounds used in the industry on other plants.
Definitely not a radical thought eh? Not much imagination there hah hah! Alright. To perform the task we need to find a positively identified infected plant. So positive from the lab who tests for “the virus” and when I say “the virus” I really mean whatever virus you want to kill. Take a cutting from the plant and put it in anti viral solution. A classic example is the treatment for tobacco mosaic, using zerotol or protectol or whatever the hell they’re calling it. Soak that baby good. Grow it up but make sure there is no re-infestation right. Take a sample and send it to the lab. Comes back positive, then you know it failed the test.

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