PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Yes you are Vernal, but like I said, you’re still a good guy at heart. :joy:

yah that is the real life guy I was talking about vernal, when I say the poisoner please believe I’m not referring to you. He’s the leader of the Justice League. lol I know just a made up name to protect slackers.

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wait wait…@Vernal, does this mean my pops owes me a coke? I would actually be really happy to invite you over here to share it.

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Batman doesn’t live in Canada.

That’s a ruse…so I can poison.

yah but I mean seriously, are you really actually curious about clean room growing? I mean you don’t have to feel like… I’m going to shame you or something.

No need; grow is bug free and I have the tools should that change. I think I got the gist of nub-tech.

oh ok, you want to talk about something? I mean you can read all my mad writings without posting anything to me, so what’s on your mind?


heh heh in case everyone doesn’t know…yet, my growing group in the real world are the superbestfriends like on south park. Membership to this group is dependent on non-contaminated weed. I would never take a chance! They promise anyone who is contaminated will be shunned and booted out. They are mostly comprised of organic growers using organic materials. Then…there’s me. The chemical growing superfreak. At the end of the contest if you place 1-3rd then you get to tell eveyone how it’s produced. lol AND you are subject to contaminate test at the lab. Independent lab, of course. At this point though, I’ve already gone through the process of contamination testing at a different lab, but I’m looking forward to it again!

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ok well, looks like the side loading project has failed so far. Buddy hasn’t even managed to clean the clones of powdery mildew and thrips… chuuuuuump. I wonder where he failed heh heh. I tried to get across the message of growing in a clean room to eliminate all pathogens. They were under the impression all pathogens can be handled with a beneficial microbe - but failed to supply a name. fucking unsubstantiated claims piss me off.


Isn’t a spray of Lactobacillus serum supposed to help keep other bacteria at bay? As for mildew, I’m not sure.

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yah that’s the problem eh? Where’s the proof of that :slight_smile:


ok I’ll post this here. Right I was at the contest/expo and the people there are doing good work! I mean what I detected is they wouldn’t be caught dead touching pesticides/insecticides. Complained lots about the banned chemicals people are using. I agree! Keep clear of that shit. Now, here’s the dark fucking side. They are biased against clean rooms. OK? Let me repeat that: they are biased against clean rooms. In their mind the clean room is the beginning of the end of goodness. I’m not sure how this thought entered their minds. I was told that if you grow in a clean room your buds won’t last as long as ones not growing in a clean room. Sure sure ok. Next step - supply evidence that the THC molecule in an organic plant is somehow different and lasts longer than my buds grown in a clean room.
My cultivation method is their antithesis. But then, if my cultivation methods are all wrong… how am I competing with them on even terms and even destroying the majority of them. Great. Next… Buddy gives a talk on freeze drying. Except he doesn’t know the terminology or the chemistry/physics behind it. Odd… I could have given a more comprehensive talk about it. I straight up interrupted him and said “it’s called sublime” He couldn’t stop saying “the water wicks out better in freeze drying” and I corrected him with “the water sublimes from ice into water vapor”. It disturbs me even now, that they had an “education” session where the “teachers” didn’t even know the right terminology. Usually I skip that crap because it enrages me and I stay home where their ignorance can’t infect me with rage. Instead I was left to ceaselessly rip dabs while they were talking in the hopes my torch would drown out their fucking lies.


:+1: :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:
Damn! You can conjure a mental image! :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Something is wrong with my brain tonight, for some reason, I’m thinking of Cartman ripping hits and using Oxyacetylene cutting torch… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



heh heh hey, I’m professor chaos and it was just a propane torch.
So here’s the real problem with their bias ok? So I’m a rational human who tries to eliminate all bias therefore have no dissonance, it’s all just subject to falsification. The end result is I am growing pure organics, with beneficial insects, as well as chemical culture in a clean room. But the result of their bias is they are only able to grow organic with beneficial insects. Do you see how a bias has crippled their ability to learn? They have to make sure to block out what I am saying, where I can absorb what they are saying and prove it false, if indeed it is, or accept it, if it cannot be falsified.


Dominance and prestige, protecting the ego, there is no room for unbiased fact and testing.
Add a splash of the Dunning-Kruger effect and you have a perfect recipe.
Clearly your “science” must be fake news, lets initiate personal attacks and ridicule, that’ll fix everything…
(starts chain toking on vape in frustration)

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lol actually they didn’t really overstate their competence, that trophy belongs to the poisoner. Instead it was a chain of unsubstantiated claims. The problem is, that’s everyday to regular humans.
Interestingly enough powdery mildew is gene for gene expression on cannabis, that means it can only infest hops and cannabis. You could say that previous sentence was unsubstantiated, except genetic testing reveals otherwise.
Now, I can accept an unsubstantiated claim, if you are looking to get the data to substantiate. Except they’re not. In fact, all their data is from meta-analysis. FOR SHAME!!! That’s the worst kind of data - it’s meaningless. They definitely don’t understand the philosophy of science.
So buddy claims without proof that mildew from other species is going to infect cannabis. What a load of hog shit. They need to seriously read some phd thesis on the subject.


my saying is: “The future is here, it’s just not widely distributed” OK OK I ripped that saying off from someone else :wink:


My comment was spawned from listening to the general populace(friends) and trying to point out paradoxical/illogical and unsubstantiated talking points. Does try your patience when you know better.
You response was much more specific and held some useful information.

well hah hah uhh my most recent thesis was on human learning. rummages around for the paper After learning so much human psychology… gaa it’s like we’re transparent. All our thought patterns, pathetic!!! And I’m not talking bullshit psychology either, only things that can be proven. The conclusion was we all operate in a field of confirmation bias. When something challenges our bias, we experience cognitive dissonance. To eliminate this dissonance, we then retreat back to the bias and make sure the echo chamber is secure by blocking out all evidence. Only seek evidence that matches the conclusion that has already become bias.
Unfortunately, max planck already summed up what happens to human bias - it ends when they die.
Enter human 2.0…a new pattern of thinking. Once a thought emerges, you must immediately think “how is that thought I just had completely wrong” <-- critical thinking
“is that thought supported by evidence?” <-- any observations tied to it? Enter the scientific method.
“Who else had that thought, and what did they find?” <-- am I operating in reality?
“can that thought be formed into a falsifiable hypothesis and be tested?” <-- Can it be proven wrong?
This method has been shown to destroy broscience, bias and old wives tales. It also creates, no masters, and no gods.


Anyway… I’m about to take cuttings off my outdoor Chili peppers and clean them up real good. I don’t want to bring the whole plant and container inside and near my girls. I hope to get some heat through the winter and a fully mature plant out for next spring.

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