PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Holy crap, I was watching hash church 5.0, you know hum de dum interesting as fuck, right? At 1:28 the motherfucking lab guy alec dixon basically describes protocol 0. I almost crapped my pants. No way man. Are we related? lol!


There are definitely 4 degrees of separation between Alec and me. 2 Degrees from people who would have read protocol 0. Wacky we had the same idea.

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As I keep watching… I was like wtf. Pay attention to what that dude says, go watch that video now, I command it! lol! No, but I can’t believe the things he says, because that’s the kind of shit I say!

It’s amazing, and it’ll change your life.


Thanks for the heads up, must have missed the new Hash Church episodes. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Hows the poisoner doing these days? i miss his comic strip

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Some how that guy is still alive. Still growing weed! He’s still an unrepentant triple concoction sprayer who is probably still infested with mildew. Trash weed! How does he continue to survive on this earth??? Probably infested with spider mites as well. Still. Sort of like that song by geto boys.
“Back up in Yo ass with a Mildew infection” still

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There’s my latest cartoon if you haven’t seen it. Based on thelma the unicorn.


So far no bugs or anything else spotted. I cut off a leaf or two for examination!


I think the biomass is increasing at a faster rate now. Probably linked to the fact it has new roots and new leaves! Bit of damage on some of the new leaves, but I looked with the magnifying glass and it was just a few rips in the leaf, probably from me.
Also, I think environmental control was the problem in the last attempt. As in there was none and it got hot. Thought back to when I was doing it and it worked. I was like ohhh yah it was environmentally controlled. Then the time I almost lost the PCK clones… ahh yes, it wasn’t controlled. Probably almost cooked em.


Awww yah! We’re back in business! IT sounds stupid now, but putting the clones in environmentally controlled conditions for plant rooting and growth was a Good Idea™.


You can watch me fail/succeed in real time! The dog definitely finished off the other plant. So if this one fails, I’m done for! Upside is… There has been almost a centimeter of growth! I see a few marks on the leaves, but not the new leaves, just the ones that were tiny stubs when I ripped off all other leaves. I haven’t seen any bugs so far so good!


Did a microscopic scan of the largest leaf. I cut it off and put it under the scope looking for anything. I saw a bit of black mold but I don’t think that’s gonna survive. Probably leftovers from when it was buried under the moldy hay. It wasn’t a colony or something, just looked like a fragment. Bugs 0.
It had very few organic debris on the leaf.

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Yay! I don’t even think the dog can defeat me now!!! IPW has regenerated!


I got to admit… That’s amazing!! :+1:

never crossed my mind to go with a longer section. But it makes sense in several ways…



The spider mite colony living on it was courtesy of the poisoner. I’m not sure what series of events lead to that, but the colony is fucked now.
Biomass and root growth are accelerating as time marches on!


@JoeCrowe hey joe what nutrients are high in carbs? Ive been hearing a lot about carbs being needed but i have no idea if i have any in my routine.


The plant manufactures carbohydrates as they grow. It then uses the carbohydrates to make thc precursors. I’ve never supplied carbohydrates directly to the roots.


Good to know i am going to do some homework on carbs.


Pretty amazing growth since this started as nothing more than a stick.

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It reminds me of a plant scion. Just a stick waiting to grow! This time it’s just a slight twist on the process.