PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Heard a rumor that the poisoner has cashed it in and pulled back from the table. Best news I heard all year!

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Bulking!!! Holy, so I heard a rumor from my new sponsor. I heard thatā€¦likeā€¦ Iā€™m the only one left. Even though Iā€™m a radical rebel doing forbidden research, I guess thatā€™s a super low priority for the government. The only way I could be legal isā€¦
I do government approved research under the guidance of a phd. FUCK THAT! My brainā€¦ will continue to operate, independant, of legal status.


Those latest protocol 0 sticks I made are expected to root. Looks like I was right about the environmental conditions killing the clones.

Thereā€™s how much biomass sheā€™s packing already. Shouldnā€™t be too much longer before I make the clones! They need to be like twice that size.


New roots, and new growths! Iā€™ll cut off all the left over damaged growth from when I ripped off all the leaves.


Protocol 0 they said, it will be fun they said
Godamn thrips !


oo yah works great against thrips! Thatā€™s a fuckload of clones!!!


73 and I got more just at different soil mix so they are fine, took me 2 hours to protocol 0 them lol itā€™s 4:20 am here :see_no_evil:
I had old coco I used in those and boy it fucked me up good, it housed an insane amount of thrips that turned my clone tent into a nightmareā€¦
So I built a kinda clean room, stripped them down, sprayed the shit outta them and the soil and the pots with spinosad
Hoping they last 2 weeks at least and thrive a lil until I get to sample their moms
A side note, thrips really love coco ! I never had them until I used that coco batch but it was a year old sitting outside batch so couldā€™ve been that lol


Careful with the spinosad itā€™s translaminar, and systemic if it enters the roots.

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I applied it twice in like 4 days, not gonna do it again I hope because if I do Iā€™m just gonna tear everything down and start over, Iā€™m done with spraying haha
But Iā€™m hoping to take clones from those clones in the future, you think the spinosad will last that long in the plant ? Also what is the downside to this ?

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You should be reasonably safe. According to the lab guy the residue will off gas with changes in temperature. Nothing lasts forever though! Especially if your using non-porous surfaces you should be able to wipe it down. Iā€™m not sure how long it lasts in the plant tissue, but there is definitely a half-life that is sped up by light. I think thatā€™s what I remember.

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Well, after checking today the thrips are still alive and well, not so many as in the dirty tent before but still a bunch there.

Any other ideas how to eradicate them ? Iā€™m at a loss hereā€¦
I figured now I donā€™t have much choices but to wait until I can clone them and apply your sink method to the new snips Iā€™ll take from them

You think this will solve it (if I even able to reach a snip size branch from each before they kill them) or I should just give up now ? :sweat_smile:

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Hereā€™s the thing. With the thrips you have to clone the tip of the branches because they are ovipositors. They literally insert the eggs into the plant tissues. So anything large or older on the plant will be infested.


Its 7 days (outdoor) possibly a bit longer indoor due to a lack of UV.

Speaking of UV, maybe you should incorporate some UVC into protocol 0. :wink: The LEDs that GML is developing for IPM is an interesting concept. Reminds me, i need to catch up on Hash Church.



Did you watch the episode where Alec Dixon talked and talked and talked? I could listen to that guy talk all day long! I told Marcus I loved that dude.

Im on episode 3 now. He is talking about the microscope stuff now. :nerd_face:

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Iā€™d love to make a nest in his brain. lol! Tunnel right in and lay some eggs! Yum eat those facts up!


Well things are still happening! Biomass is growing! No bugs! Iā€™ll keep checking but I removed all the old growth except one leaf. Probably remove that today, and Iā€™ll be done with the black mold. Wonder if I should give it a disinfectant sulfur bath in case that shit is still alive. I donā€™t think it can survive and replicate in the current environment. I do hate additional contamination possibility, though!


Damn, I knew before I trimmed the hell outta them by looking at the growth tips I should have cloned them and be done with it, they looked nice and clean like you sayā€¦

Oh well, live and learn, in all my years growing I never encountered thrips so I got a good lesson here haha

Hoping they grow some nice branches to clone
Thanks buddy !

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Success is ensured! Phew, thatā€™ll paper over the past failures!

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