PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

Well played good sir!

On Episode 5 now, holy crap an all star panel!

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I’ve gotta re-watch a significant portion of that episode I was out getting firewood! I love how skunkman sam represents himself as a dr seuss character with a pool cue.

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I was examining the IPW plant and saw that the calyx that I left is still there. I wonder what the plant itself thinks of all the action? It was out there, perhaps even under 12/12. Grown 2 calyxs and then the dog dug it up.Then I took it inside and ripped off all the roots and leaves. With a broken stem I placed it under floros to regenerate in water culture. My mind is like this:
Did eradicating the entire biomass enable a quick reset to veg?
Now, it’s just an anecdote at this point, but it could be something to look into.

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I’ve heard that a root prune can speed up a reveg, I wonder if this is an example of that.


My experience shows this to be true.


Ahhh, now it’s an anecdote with some additional support and ideas! Guess the observation wasn’t completely off-base.


I’m doing the no parasite dance! Been a while and I’ll I’ve spotted is fungus and fuzz.


There’s some perspective! The biomass is building quickly now! I’m going to have to start rooting around for another clone machine!

Roots have regenerated quickly! It’s definitely a self-sustaining plant.

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I see what you did there hah!

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Looking back it was 18 days ago you stuck the “stick” in your cloner and look at it now. Are you feeding nutrients through your misting system or buffered water? Impressive what plants can do with the proper inputs.

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I gave it a veg dose probably above 1.0 EC maybe like ph 6.2 or perhaps a little higher. Bubbles in the water, which is at about 18C. hah hah I have night terrors that the thing dies. This far into the process, it’ll survive unless I do something totally stupid. It survived being dug up by the dog and broken stem. That was before I stripped the leaves and roots off! Do or die at that point, there was no more plant material left alive.


My friend saw the IPW today and he was like Woah… I remember that thing was a stick! 20 days into it now, and it’s almost ready to be cloned!

Still clinging to the stalk, the trichomes are starting to mature. Isn’t that fucking radical? Any calyx that was left on there since bloom trigger continues to mature even though the plant is in veg now. I suppose though, since the seeds mature in veg, that it shouldn’t be a huge surprise.


She’s doing great! Mere days away from being a clone-mother!


Completely stripped off all leaves that had emerged just after I pulled everything off. I think now, it can be considered clean! And ready to clone! hah hah I’ll get to that. I can’t find my clone machine parts I’m missing neoprenes.

Roots are beautiful! Nothing of note down there like some kind of creepy shit.


Ready to be cloned. Unfortunately I have to rummage for clone machine parts. So I have to go to the store in a day or so.


Well I think I’m done with this round. The plant has birthed clean progeny into the grow! After these things root, I’m off to the races!
This round had it’s ups and downs. I’m still not certain where I went wrong initially, but all’s well that ends well. Or some shit.