PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

I salute their head engineer - a man who was a genius in his time.

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I used linuxinternals to get this photo:

I grew that baby in DWC! It was only supposed to be as big as a softball, but it was a regular-sized melon.


I saw a video of hydroponic watermelon under LEDs. It tempted me Since I may not even get one melon to ripe off my two plants (started a bit late, calling it a practice run going up a trellis). Itā€™s been over 20 years since I had a yellow water melon when I was visiting family in Taiwan. Yea, this whole gardening kick over the summer is how I circled back to growing marijuana again. Sadly my two old dogs prob wonā€™t be with me for too much longer, Iā€™ll prob have space to put up a rack to grow some other stuff that donā€™t need to be in a tent.


I protocol 0 'ed some ordinary house plants. Weā€™ll see what happens, but they look pretty clean, I scrubbed em good.
I also have another story! Names changed to protect the guilty.
Seeā€¦ Medical patients were relying on the justice league to fulfill their cannabis requirements, no shitting. Little did they know, they were smoking hydrogen cyanide producing chemicals that the justice league uses to suppress the growth of powdery mildew. So these patients, they heard through the grape vine that the riddler had used wayne industries to produce a superior product. Wayne industries was well known, but after a whileā€¦ yet another person set up a meeting with the riddler and the medical patients, over at wayne industries. Once these people got a look at the manufacturing happening in a high tech labā€¦ I suppose their reliance on the justice league was over. The lesson isā€¦ donā€™t be ā€œthat guyā€ who is going to lose out to wayne industries because you canā€™t get your shit together. Fucking justice league hasnā€™t changed in 20 years, now theyā€™re just fossils.


ohh yah. Also! The riddler knows, that trust between wayne industries, the riddler and the medical group has to be firmly established. A guided tour of the wayne enterprise production facilities and demonstration of the methods, cements the bond. Never violate protocols, or the bond of trust can be broken and all contracts WILL be cancelled. The Riddler knowsā€¦ Thatā€™s how the contract between the justice league and this group was burned! Justice league protocols were fucking gross.
Hey! Donā€™t forgetā€¦ Batman and The Riddler used to be good friends, but now, heā€™s part of the justice league.

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Took cuttings off my peppers, got them soaking in cold water right now, still have to strip and clean them before putting them into rooting setup. Still debating if I want to bring a couple blackberries inside to grow out too. Theyā€™re primocane fruiting, so bloom can be induced like with the other crop lol.

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peppers clone nicely! I have done it with regular sweet peppers and jalapenos. LOL Iā€™m not sure how the productivity will be on a blackberry. Did you tip cut that thing? how do they clone? I cloned black raspberries with tip cuttings, wild!

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Yes I did tip and stem cutting from some lateral branches/sucks. Theyā€™re baby cake blackberries, dwarf and thornless, but berries big as my thumb. Itā€™s my first year with these plants. They took a while to root, and most havenā€™t shown any new growth yet. But itā€™s all about the roots with brambles lol. Now I have a shopping list of different colors of hot peppers, kinda want to make a fermented sauce hehe

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oh shit, I forgot not many people know what ā€œtip cuttingā€ means in terms of cloning a plant. Thatā€™s where you bury the top couple nodes on a cane plant like a black raspberry. After a couple weeks, roots grow from the nodes and the leaves re-orient. Then you cut the new little plants off the mother vine and dig up the babies for transplant.


Oh right, I though of that as tip rooting since thereā€™s no cutting involved lol. With my understanding, Black/purple raspberries and black berries (trailing types) spread in that fashion. But yes, I made cuttings and rooted the growth tip and stem sections. Otherwise, the easiest way to propitiate them is to cut sections of the roots when theyā€™re dormant.

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lol online they call it no less than 3 different things:
tip layering, tip rooting, tip cutting.

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Just looked it up again, thatā€™s called tip layering lol. Here are some I rooted, the baby cake variety (left) doesnā€™t seem to root as fast, and lost most of its leaves to yellowing. The polar berry didnā€™t seem to be phased at all, just hasnā€™t grown any either. Though the Babycake is a primocane variety and the mother plant started blooming right after the cutting was taken. The polar Berry is a traditional floricane fruiter. None of the cuttings I took off my dwarf raspberry tookā€¦


yah the fucking raspberries, I usually dig up a small piece of rhizome. Once that rhizome is in hydroponics they really take off! Rhizomes are easy to clean at least?

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I was just reflecting on the justice league. Iā€™ve known them for a long time, even before it was the justice league. Their leader was the one who originally infested me with mildew. You know itā€™s got to be over 20 years later and the justice league is still wrestling with powdery mildew and spider mites. I donā€™t understand how that can happen to a person. Even though I know each and every last one of the members there on a personal basis, has a single one of them ever called and asked how to get rid of any of that shit? no. Soā€¦Batman and I used to chill all the time, he was another one of my apprentices. Except somehow he would get the EC above 4 like wayyyy off the charts, I could never figure out how that could happen. Violate protocols, got the mitesā€¦from the justice league. Now, heā€™s fully joined with the justice league. Know how I can tell? Batman has the powdery mildew. Next question. Do you think he is going to call me and ask how to kill that shit, or has he become a justice league advocate now and will never get rid of it? oooo! See, people are really strange man. I donā€™t even understandā€¦why. I mean why would someone adhere to human 1.0 thought patterns and trap themselves in like that? Does it save them energy somehow? Itā€™sā€¦easy? But thenā€¦the consequences of something like that. Eternal problems? Perhaps thatā€™s the root of the saying you canā€™t teach an old dog new tricks.
Right, so last time I saw batman he had rafts of clones right from the justice league. I wonder if he realizes they are loaded with powdery mildew the human eye cannot detect.

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good news everyone! - professor farnsworth
I have some roots forming on the pelargonium! I havenā€™t checked the fern yet for root, but Iā€™ve never rooted something like that, so weā€™ll see what happens. Geranium/pelargonium will root in a glass of water, so it definitely roots easy in DWC. I think I am going to replicate the plant several times as a mother for a crop of flowers in the spring. Dangerous times, I better not let that fucking plant take overā€¦ I have a habit of growing a plant to elephantine proportions in the middle of the room. Looks like the protocol 0 did the trick, I donā€™t see a single creeper or strange fungus. Iā€™ll post some photos of the roots once they are big enough. They are just millimeters long right now.


I was listening to the Dude Grows Show and heard an interesting technique for cleaning cuts. Basically using a sous vide they set up a 130Ā°F water bath and dipped cuts for 10 seconds. Something I may add to my quarantine SOP.


I prefer my cuttings medium rare :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Edit: shit, 130 is medium rare my joke sucks.


ooo Iā€™d definitely have to do a study on that one to make sure it worksā€¦sous vide bug carcass anyone? I like the drowning techniqueā€¦so peacefulā€¦ I mean, itā€™s hard to cause damage to the plant. I should try and get batman to sous vide his mildew I wonder if that would do it as well.


Iā€™m not sure, this was in reference to the two spotted spider mite and its eggs. Not sure about viruses, bacteria, or fungi.


yah viruses are the hardest one to get rid of, they recommend micro-propagation. Now Iā€™m wondering though, if there is a temperature that would kill the virus but not the plant. Interesting!