PROTOCOL 0 "clean your plants"

This is more like the mildew that would grow on the cannabis plant, it’s a pumpkin leaf.


ok so the pelargonium is rooted good. Those plants love hydro! I think they take bloom formula, heh heh it’s been years since I cultured one. This plant is going to be the mother for a big crop of plants next year. I have done the protocol on it and we’ll see how the parasites do. I can’t see any, but the original owner assured me there was some kind of infestation. She sprayed some kind of shit on there who knows, so we’ll see what happens because it’s parasite status unknown wheeee! I’ll have to scrub a bucket for this thing, and get it pumping.


we’re looking at some mad roots now.


That thing is gonna bloom soon! I’ve been thinking of changing it to bloom formula. No bugs to be seen anywhere so the protocol must have worked there as well. That’s good news! Each time you try it is another attempt at falsification. Eventually I’ll just learn to rely on it. Can’t get too complacent though, I have to make sure I view each location I am getting a cutting from to ensure there is no disease present that I can’t handle. I’m not going to try and handle any biohazard I don’t have to. Like buddy’s level 3 biohazard, I’m not getting anything from there. It’ll probably wipe out my entire crop! Well… unless someone sponsors a study like that. I’d really have to think hard before going down that slope again, because it is a do or die scenario. Lots of pressure to succeed hah hah.
I’ve often wondered what people think when they crack open their grow and watch me scuttle inside. Do they secretly hate what I’m doing but realize I have to do it? Are they glad to know the truth even though it’s a kick in the teeth? Perhaps just desperate for the answers? Just want to know if they are contaminated or not?
I’m pretty sure they even know who I am. If not, they get the picture quick when I start flipping over leaves and eyeing up the plants. The hilarious part is some of them call me to check it out, but others don’t. They don’t realize that secretly their end product is being sent to me for examination anyways. Someone always wants to know the truth.


Alright! Got a solid call in there… Serious problems down to the cement mixer if you know what I’m saying. Lets call him the penguin! So the penguin complains that there are spider mites and powdery mildew eh running wild. I told him you called the right person! So I laid out how you drown the bugs and sulfurize the mildew. Penguin told me the problem starts in bloom and he doesn’t notice until it’s too late. I said the mites are most likely already there if that’s the case they take basically a month to reach human-visible levels. I said you have to drown the fuckers when you are bringing the plant into your grow for the first time. 30min submerged and then spray off and grow. I also detailed how you make a small area to clean yourself off before you enter the grow. The advice I give, is given to the penguin for free, I don’t charge “the people” for those services. It’s paid for by my sponsors. They are really helping pay it forward by keeping me going. I literally dumped the entire data batch gathered over a year long study for the penguin to absorb. In the real world, the penguin and I went to high school together. —Names changed to protect the guilty—


lol I’ve got another story for the kitty. Wonder woman was one of the ferrets, and she had some weed from the poisoner. Took it out and showed me, looked like classic buds to me. She said it makes your throat hurt if you smoke it. I said the poisoner is using banned substance NOVA which leads to the production of hydrogen cyanide when it’s heated. I gave her one of my sacks of weed for free, the old lemon one. It’s probably a year old, but she said it had more flavor than the poisoners weed. I don’t understand… how the poisoner is able to grow that shit. Unless…he never smokes it? The poisoner is probably growing it without a license and selling it to people who don’t understand it’s contaminated. Way to give the “Legacy” market a bad name eh?


Ding Ding Ding…

Winner winner Chicken Dinner! :sunglasses: :+1:



fuck me, that means he’s a poser. Wonder what his gig is? Hmmm Wife’s gonna file for divorce if the poisoner can’t sell product. I think we can all agree “this isn’t going to end well”. You know, that shit don’t bother me, but it’s sad. The real problem is that he leads the justice league. Like how many people got his shitty advice to put banned substances on their weed? LOL! I know it sounds just like I’m describing people here on the forums, and I would hope anyone who thinks I’m talking about them, to seriously consider the consequences of the poisoner’s actions.


It bothers me because I’m sure I’ve smoked plenty of the poisoners buds over the years. Glad I grow my own and wash my buds now. No more throat burn.


:rofl: I have no idea what you are talking about :laughing:

Oddly, thoughts and names were being automatically inserted into my matrix as I read your text. There must be some sort of sublimable messaging happening here…
North Korean cyber-hackers no doubt…
Whatever happens, we can’t stop here - this is bat country.



yah that’s what started me growing weed. I bought a mold sack also I bought a sack that didn’t get me high. I shudder to think! All that was before I got the microscope, man I love that thing. I only smoke weed that looks good under high magnification.

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This is why predatory bugs exist. To completely scrap a grow over spidermites is crazy

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Not saying this doesnt work its just extreme. And the possibility of losing unreplaceable cuts makes it a no for me. Depending on clones to root while sacrificing the rest. If they dont root youre screwed.

Then take a grow of 20+ plants full size with 20+ clones youll be trimming and spreading bugs for days

Amazon carries ladybugs cheaper than any of the pesticides its just hard to put a bug in the room but theyre good bugs. Id rather see 1500 ladybugs than 100 mites. Plus ladybugs target mites and other pests to our plant. Mites thrips aphids are their food source.

well here’s the thing right if you have mites on full-grown plants, they have been there for a month already. You just never saw them. With this method, you can purge the mites in a single day - they will be extinct. I know, sometimes people lose clones, but that doesn’t have to happen. If I lose a single clone, I suck bad. I’m not saying anyone else sucks if they lose a clone…but if you know how to make a clone root 100% of the time, then if you DO lose a clone - you suck heh heh. I culture my clones.
ok, so I use this protocol on each plant that comes into my grow. This ensures the latest clone/cutting is disease free before it even goes in. I don’t even quarantine them anymore. The important part is the pest you are trying to kill has to breathe air, not water. 30min underwater they are not doing good.
People use lots of different methods to deal with pests, but I use a single method, and have no pests. I purchase nothing to deal with them.
If anyone is reading this post and you’re suicidal about the pest problems rolling through your grow, just remember, by reading this thread, you will have all the answers you need to break the cycle TODAY and NEVER see it again.


lol, I’m not promising much eh?

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Hey JoeCrowe,

This is a good thread; informative and easy to understand.

Could please elaborate on how you scrub them? Do you clean them with dish soap and use the dish brush on them, or gently rub them with a sponge underwater, or just scrub with hands and water? Hot, cold, lukewarm?


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I just scrub them with my fingers and a vegetable sprayer. I’m pretty rough, but I want to make sure I’ve scrubbed off everything. You can use a toothbrush if you want, but I just use water, cold water and nothing else. Hot water can kill the plants.