Punks Not Dead

Was that jersey or NYC in the early 80’s they were still playing house parties and touring lol


Not completely sure man… the days are a blur. All fading into spikes

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Nice! I used to have many old Minor Threat lps in jr. high school years.
I was the only 10 year old w a shaved head, skull t-shirts and black leather motorcycle boots.

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YES. I wore a Discharge shirt in Jr. High. Still have 5+ vinyl lps of theirs from the early 80’s.
Found it.

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Get you a grimple stick if you wanna be a punker

If you think you like it now, wait till you try it! Lol

For the record I dislike those baby blue Nikes that one guy is wearing, but a free shoe is a free shoe?

Is rap the new punk? I’ve heard more than five people say so in the last fifteen years…is that the company I keep or truth?

Apparently iggy pop isn’t a good rapper.


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Unless we’re talking about some experimental hiphop group like Death Grips or using Green Day as our example of punk I can’t even begin to fathom how someone could say that with a straight face :joy: Since when was punk the most heavily promoted, mainstream genre in the western world? How many corporate radio stations are dedicated to the genre in your nearest major city? Talk to me when Nofx does a superbowl show lmao


although to be fair, I’d be much more interested if it was the Dead Milkmen :joy:


Oof, that stings a little, ngl lol. It’s not exactly pissed stained cobble stone stone streets anymore tho. Not that I’m arguing one way or the other. Fishing for your thoughts

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I dunno man, did you go hippy when they did? Jk All input is welcome, I definitely don’t want to be exclusionary

Though I’m on the side that death gripsis awesome, where do we draw the line?


haha bro i have a discharge leather jacket, two or 3 sweatshirts, and like 6 discharge t-shirts, same goes with motorhead, but i have a t-shirt print shop lol

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Nice! I still have my Motorhead T from high school. The Ace of Spades was a great heavy tune! Very Discharge-y intro bass. Love the HEAVY bands. Even at age 54 i crank this shit when the wife’s out of the house.

Check out Godflesh self-titled lp or Streetcleaner lp. (Some slow) grinding heavy as f*ck.
Justin, the singer, songwriter, guitarist was in early Napalm Death.

Enjoy the first song “Like Rats”. Slower than other songs on the lp. But great to play when you want your relatives to leave your home.
I was known as the party-killer when i was younger because i would bring this kind of music to parties. LOL.


The exploited discharge minor threat, agnostic front sheer terror mix between punk/hardcore! NYHC

Dead milkman are great bitchin camero he drove from hawaii

Did you see the the nofx world tour series it was all recorded when touring pretty funny. In Japan they wanted drugs so one went and bought a pill off someone in line for the show. " What’s this? I don’t know he called it green dragon. What’s it do? I don’t know let’s crush it and snort it". They could barely stand lmao

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I went to some kind of rock and roll museum in Florida 20 years ago (holy shit it was 20 years ago :neutral_face:) and they had a “punk room”. The dude giving the tour was a music major and he’s the first one I heard say that rap was the new punk. It’s kind of a short view that only someone who doesn’t really get punk could have. The argument is that it’s a street genre where anyone regardless of budget or talent can do it basically, that it’s a very minimal with no barrier to entry which kind of flies in the face of top 40 super polished and worked music.

The problem is punk stood for something and was a reaction to the political climate of the time, it was railing against the system. Rap is more about glorifying oneself and a celebration of money and status which couldn’t be less punk rock. You cold make arguments that rap addresses the prison system but when the previous line was talking about moving kilos you kind of muddy your stance on whether your sentence was based on ethnicity :laughing:

I guess it’s a matter of opinion at the end of the day but I feel like anyone who has a grasp of what punk really is would very much disagree.


Yes I VERY much agree but that’s an argument I’d love to have in the middle of the pit at a show!:metal::smiling_imp::face_with_head_bandage:


Dude, great answer. I’m of the same mind. I think the same people that say punk is dead might say rap is punk, lol

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