Punks Not Dead

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Pits nowadays are lame af. The old NYC hc shows is were people went to blow off steam and pound the ever living shit out if each other. The crazy part is there would be cops, doctors, surgeons and everyone in between. Then after beating each other up usually with the encouragement of the band if they don’t jump in themselves. Afterwards buying each other beers. I guess some people release stress in different ways.:face_with_head_bandage:

All I wanted was a Pepsi!


in a way i’m glad i got to participate in all that. and yes… it was a way to blow off steam. no one took it personal… (except the friggin skinheads)

it was hard, it was fun (looks at scars fondly)
and yes… todays pits are kindergarten recess in comparison.

It’s more jumping around and bumping into each other lol. Got hurt worse by a crowd surfers boot catching my head than any recent pits. I saw dropkick Murphys with hatebreed and the pit was LAME!

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my son is as tall as me now (6’3") has broader shoulders and weighs more. i always had my kids playing sports and doing MMA when they were young, so he holds his own in the pit.
he agrees the pits are tame after going to a meshuggah show. he got pummeled and dropped. he said there were a bunch of massive viking bezerker imports at the show that were just smashing everyone in the pit. he still claims the most violent pit he has been in (to date).

ahh… hatebreed. saw them once… at an ozzfest i think.

i think the most insane pit i saw was at the family values tour in worcester MA (1998?). limp bizkit was playing “break stuff”. was with some chicks so had seats up on the balcony. the lower floor, all the seats had been removed so it was an open floor. when they got to the “give me something to break” part the ENTIRE floor erupted into a mosh pit. front to back, side to side. those that didn’t want to participate had zero choice. everyone was moving and crashing into each other. the floor was not small either. it was a BIG venue. thousands of people moshing.
i have never seen anything like it since. when the song was over even fred said he had never seen a mosh pit like that.


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In a bit of a mood. I think I should stay home lol.

I’ll add this as an edit :joy::joy::joy:


I saw Black Flag many times, at least a dozen times. Always with Rollins. The first time I saw them it was in a biker bar. I was 14yo and they let me in no problem. That was the first hardcore show, and it really made an impression. At one point in the middle of their set, Henry stopped the band and started screaming at some dude supposedly throwing hexes at the band - what a nut. Only wearing black running shorts and black converse - that was pretty standard attire, and looking mean as fuck. I mean, what does it even look like when someone’s throwing hexes??? I met him once, too, years later. He came into a used bookstore I worked at. I was totally Star-struck and couldn’t think of anything to say. He asked for a book - I don’t remember which, and I took him over to where it was and told him I liked his music. At this point he was mostly doing spoken word stuff. I saw him do that like 3or 4 different times. But Black Flag was my favorite. The local university would have free shows during lunch time - Eat To The Beat. Bands coming through town would do a free noon show. We’d ditch high school and go see them play. I saw The Cramps, Jane’s addiction at that place… Oingo Boingo, too. I missed seeing the Minutemen, tho, which sucks. I never saw them, tho I’ve seen firehose a couple of times

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anyone a fan of sick of it all? was impressed with their debut album. been a fan since.


Any of y’all go to Fest in GNVFL?

I’ve been to maybe the last 10 and it’s so fun. The lineup is full of old favorites and busting with really good new stuff. 90% of the shows are small venues and it’s really fun to see the people in your favorite bands at the other bands sets.

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