Punks Not Dead

@Osogreen !!! I know you are all over it my friend!!!

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I don’t :laughing: Of all the now unlistenable punk bands I used to like Crass is probably the ultimate example.

We didn’t really care that they were straight edge and we were anything but. If anything we thought it was ironic how fucked up we got while listening to them.

Bad Religion was my favorite for awhile. I remember picking up No Substance the day it came out and as I listened to it I had the thought that this wasn’t their strongest album but it was ok. When The New America came out I could have cried because my favorite band was clearly over. What a punch in the gut.

Sublime definitely had punk credentials. I was heavy into punk when the self titled album dropped and it went immediately and seamlessly into regular rotation.

Fucking skins. It always amazed me how tame and even chill some skins could be on their own (even in the presence of the people they’re supposed to hate) and then how “tough” and serious they got in a group. Bunch of pussies who suddenly got brave when the numbers were on their side.


@FattyRoots Subhumans are my all time fav…
You have a lot of the greats already listed, I will add Crucifucks to this as well.


Can’t forget the Decline.

Love this thread man!


It’s funny I tend to agree with the politics and messaging of most punk rock, can’t stand the music though. If I want to talk about injustice and social issues I can do it without yelling over poorly played guitar riffs. :sweat_smile:

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Surf punks
Just goes on forever lol


Self discipline for any outlaw of any sort Is key to unnecessary risk in life.

Excellent band, but don’t know I’d consider them punk. If they’re being placed in that category, then I’ll add Dinosaur Jr., but again, would be a misnomer imo.



One of my favorite shirts back in the day!


Who knows the song
Take a load if retards to the zoo
Nothing better then skating in 7 grade at willows in Glendale an popping cross tops


They will have local punk bands here also

Mdc just talking about this will get you banned on some boards hahahah. I was a huge fan. There is a nofx song where they say mdc, john wayne was a nazi, fastest band I’ve ever seen. I had the album that had a photo of riot cops with billy clubs. Never saw them live I bet it was a sight.


Angry Samoans song
Hiltlers cock song

I love all rock, especially punk, but the saddest thing i can think of is how most of the side who loves to hate the government and was anti establishment, and anti corporation, is now worshiping the very same government, system, establishment, and corporations. F@#K the government, and if people can’t see the same government that is “promising” to fix the problems, is the same government responsible for the problems in the first place, then all i can tell them is, the government is not your friend. Long live punk.

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There’s more to skin an punk music then Politics .there’s songs like fist fuc

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Oh I know it, but it was born out of rebellion and anti establishment, and while the music has not changed in message so much, a lot of people that used to believe in that message, no longer do.

I still have no job
No bank account
F the system


I work 2 hours a day, other than that I’m self employed. I don’t have a bank account. Oh and I lost all my rights 10 years ago, and can never get them back, so ya f@#k the system.

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