Punks Not Dead

The first time I saw them the lead singer chugged a fifth of Jack and threw it at the ground in front of the crowd breaking it in a million pieces and he said “Get up and dance ya motherfuckers” and he and all the dudes in FM started riverdancing. It was pretty cool. Another time I went to see them my friend got kicked out for being too drunk. Man that is an amazing level of wasted to get kicked out of Flogging Molly. I haven’t seen them in 20 years or so.


Refused are definitely pioneer’s of that sound, it’s crazy how many good bands come out of Sweden. They are actually the third biggest producer of all genre’s of music behind the UK and the states… pretty nuts for only 10million people.

Some of Swedens finest


That Milkencolin song brings me back!


Anybody shout out the bouncing souls yet??


@LegsMahoney I mentioned them in the original post but I’m pretty sure you posted the first track, love me some Bouncing Souls


I’ve learned that from my love of stoner/doom metal. Truck Fighters are probably the most known.

Not punk but great band out of Sweden


Oh man @Slick1 i knew we had a kinship buddy, big stoner rock dude over here too, truckfughters, fu Manchu, kyuss, fuzz, nebula… we could go on for a while I’m sure, almost a whole ‘nother threads worth I bet…:face_with_monocle:


It makes up the lion’s share of what I listen to these days. I have the Sabbath demon tatted on me and I loved Kyuss since I was a teenager but it took me a surprisingly long time to find and dive into the genre. Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats and The Sword made me dive in and I’ve found so many awesome bands no one’s ever heard of from around the world.

You ever see the Lo Sound Desert documentary? That doc will make you nostalgic for something you never even lived :laughing:


Oh fuck…now I’m home. Where to begin, choking victim /leftover crack (to many side projects to name), the meatmen, Cancerslug, streetlight manifesto, jodi faster, born/dead, gg allin, to name a few, been on a folk punk kick lately alot of ramshackle glory /Johnny hobo and the freight trains, days n daze, etc


Some more Swedish exports, some lean a little more metal than punk, but definitely carry the punk/hardcore spirit.


Yeah, not to get too off-topic here, but, uh…

That album is the shit. I’m feeling stoner metal much, much more than I’ve been feeling any sorta punk lately.


i have seen that one. unreal.


I saw the suicide machines for the first time over the past weekend. Man was it awesome to finally see them. I’ve been listening to them since I was like 12 and now I’m 31. They ripped!

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I’ve loved punk since my early teen years. My sister got me my first album for my birthday, Pennywise’s self title. Then I got punkorama 2 and listened to my sisters stuff…rancid let’s go became my favorite of theirs but out come the wolves close behind. Blink 182 was catchy. Op ivy, Gob, offspring.
My friends and I got into the Ska punk as well, catch 22, less than Jake and then streetlight manifesto after the split from catch 22.
We had a good punk scene in my small Northern bc town, lots of local kids made bands and we would have bands from bc come up for shows in tiny shitty run down places, it was such a good time. We had a local band called Nutboy and then after time the singer started a band called Glasshead but it was really poppy, all sounds the same crap that seemed to only be popular in Japan. There was actually a ton of musically talented people that came out of my town. Alot of them went on to do other stuff still today.
I really liked the political stuff later in highschool, anti flag especially…which I look back and wonder what went wrong…look at them today, they seem less anti flag and more anti right.
I dont see millencollin mentioned, liked them quite a bit.
My first big show was warped tour 2001 in Calgary. It was awesome to see so many of the bands I was listening to at the time all in one place. I still have every album I ever had in school on an old Microsoft zune 120gb lol, still going strong today.
The most recent show was Punk in Drublic beer fest in Edmonton, it was great to see chixdiggit are still around, but seeing less than Jake, bad religion and nofx again after so many years…I had goosebumps the whole time.
I’d love to see strung out, on my bucket list as well as social distortion.
But this song here, I can’t over listen to it

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gutter mouth was stuck in my cd player in my car for months and I never got sick of it


fuck yes !!!