Always I cant let a problem get a brotha down if I think I can offer any kind of advise or words of encouragement I will do so thats what being part of a community is all about or maybe build a outdoor scrog at the height you want it to get
@Growinnblowin, that is an incredible idea, a SCROG outdoors… I’ve seen tent like frames, like the indians shacks, i think it was @Herbie, that showed me those… with some bamboo and rope! Nice man.
I’ve used letrice up in the mountains in Cali oh yea loves me some placerville ca will defitnatly have to go back someday I was thinking a 3d cube of letrice netting around your plant with how big you want it once it hits the top go horizontal then vertical on the walls would be a beast
I think a round net would do the same thing right…?
Yea sorry haha XD when I get an idea in my head bro ADHD that would work hella what size pot you goin for
I think 10 gallons, once the plant has at least four to five internodes, gonna plant it one month before the sunny season starts and then onto the 10 gallon pot. Will probably have to transplant at least twice…
Start it in a cup, move it onto a 1 gallon pot to veg it and then onto the 10 gallon or 5 gallon pot to let it finish…
So a month of veg outdoors?
A month in veg indoors and then outside yes…
Might need a bigger pot then 10 gal you going with smart pots?
Will the plant stunt in the 10 gallon pot? That would be good for me to contain its size…
I mean yeah plant size is relative to pot size I have a dream of a all year veg then put outsode a month or two before flower season have 30’ monsters lol an I mean it still get pretty big so stunt I think would be relative in this situation but yea I see where your going with it like I said grew outdoor in Cali where it was legal so having monsters wasn’t that ig a deal
I wanna have a good sativa with some pedigree like Old timer´s Haze, or Punto Rojo or Neville´s… Don´t need it to be more than 2 mtrs tall… 8 feet that is!
Haha my late uncle always used to say go big or go home idk if he would exactly recommend this for us two being it’s still ass backwards where we are but one day mad one day maybe I’ll change it up a lil bit grow big or go home hahaha XD they say the yeti bout 8ft I’d consider that a monster still
Growing for commerce or the government as an approved grower would be my dream, something like @ryasco’s reality right now… Jealous in the nicest possible way! I would grow dozens of trees!
Ahy, mi Tico, que cabezón eres con vegetar un mes “indoor”… Luego decís lo brutos que son los españoles (que también)…
En fin… No puedes cavar un hoyo en el suelo (por seguridad, espacio, estética, o lo que sea)? Y haz los menos trasplantes posibles… De cuantos litros es el contenedor final? (Broma: VIVA EL SISTEMA MÉTRICO DECIMAL!!).
Eso no lo escuchaste de mi. Quien sabe quien te esta contando historias! LOLOLOLOLOL
Yo te voy a hacer caso a vos @MiG, te lo prometo, solo enviame las semillas de el Old Timer, esas son the BOMB!!!
Mr. Sativa Sire!!!
You didn’t hear that from me. Who knows who has been telling you stories! LOLOLOLOLOL
I’m gonna listen to you Mig, i promise; just send me the Old Timer’s Haze seeds, those are the BOMB!!!
Mr. Senyor Sativa!!!
Algo me dijiste en la perrera de otras dos variedades, asi que no se! Como tu quieras. And i promise to germinate them and take pics and report and well, you know me…
You said something in the DogsHouse about two other varieties, so i dunno! As you wish! Y prometo germinarlas y tomerles fotos y reportar y bueno, ya me conoces…
…Por cierto, ya no tiene vuelta atrás tu pedido de Golden Tiger? Porque en un hilo de intercambios aquí en OG la ofrece un forero… No recuerdas que hasta le pregunté hasta por el año del que eran?..
Si tienes que tener ya semillas para años, no? No compres tanto y planta más…y en tierra.
También te advierto que Punto Rojo no es la la planta más fácil de cultivar (ni mucho menos), y más sin mucha experiencia…
Si la estresas mucho puede hscerse hemafrodita… Quizás deberías poner otra más fácil con ella para comparar y asegurar cosecha… Por ejemplo otra Sativa pura más domada (como la misma Golden Tiger), o algún hibrido de dominancia Sativa tipo Jack Herer, Cindy/Apollo, etc…
I think natural sunlight will work fine.