ACE Golden Tiger Outdoors šŸÆ

Here we go with another experiment, will be running two Super Sativas now that the sunny season in CR started, two weeks early i might add, WOOHOO, outdoor season for @MadScientist has arrived, my first outdoor season ever. Got some Punto Rojo Colombia (CannaBioGen) and also Golden Tiger (ACE Seeds) that will be sprouting; three seeds per strain, cosā€™ iā€™m only running one female until harvest.

If i get males, will probably pollinate a branch of each one, but crossing them:

  1. Red Tiger (Female PR x Male GT)
  2. Golden Eve (Female GT x Male PR)

And that means, SEEDS FOR EVERYONE FREE! Names are made up, not even real strains just a crazy cross.

Here they are!

Anything to say @MiG!?

Punto Rojo 16-22 weeks flowering
Golden Tiger 14 weeks flowering


I say take it easy on the outdoor sunXD you gonna get some BEASTS bro. I cant wait to see this!!


They will go in my tent under 12/12 from the start to try and catch up with the sun before it goes away in May. HAHAHA!

To avoid birds, cats and other critters to attack them in their most fragile state.

Gonna be a long wait.


My golden tiger at 14 weeks was not ready yet guess Thai pheno.


I saw it bro, impressive. I had heard about that with the Punto Rojo too, if itā€™s not ready by the 16th week youā€™ll have to wait until the 22nd week, depending on the pheno!

Did you veg this plants at all, or did you start them on 12/12 from the get go?

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wow those are some long flowering sativas! I bet the smoke is top notch though


Risk = Reward, i think. So many weeks for it to matureā€¦ I am definitely starting under 12/12, like ā€œMiGā€ said. He knows about this kinda plant a lot.


Iā€™m sure @Supermigu has bigger experience with Punto Rojo (English speakers uses call it Colombianā€™ Red). He uses it to breed (Red Orch aka Red Killer aka Asesina Roja?), even, n know so much than I bout to grow thats long florewin purĆ© sativas in indoor n inna little potsā€¦

A post was merged into an existing topic: THE DOGS HOUSE: La Perrera

Its always hype before and then sometimes olol. Go for organic living soil best as you can and dont use higher ec. Good luck


Three Golden Tiger seeds sprouted, none of the Punto Rojo did. Sent an email to CannaBioGen because i feel they sold me very old seeds, no way they take this long to crack openā€¦ Letā€™s see their customer service.



If they sold you old colombian red seeds thats amazing. I wish that would happen to mešŸ˜‚ keep em wet. Ive had older genetics take up to a week to sprout.


I am a patient man, really. But the golden tiger seeds already had a tail at least a half an inch long or soā€¦ Those PR seeds donā€™t show any kind of activity, not even the whitening side of the seeds that is about to crack open form the inner pressure of the bean sprouting. Weā€™ll see, just in case i got another three soaking as we speakā€¦ I want two super sativas by the end of March/Aprilā€¦

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Habla con CBG, tico.
A un amigo mio le devolvieron dos veces sus 10 Taskenti regulares porque no saco ninguna hembra ambas veces.
TambiĆ©n te digo que yo he germinado sin ningĆŗn problema 3 Purple Mexican este aƱo ( una la de The Dogs House, dos regaladas) que estaban en la nevera de mi amigo Pitch Down desde el 2013ā€¦

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Les envie un correo explicando el metodo de germinacion y todos los factores/variables en juego, vamos a ver que dicen, talvez tenga mala suerte. Si por la vispera se saca el diaā€¦ Gracias @MiG.

Joder, tico; pasales el enlaze a este hilo para que lo vean.
Rafa, Enrique, Kaikiā€¦son personas accesibles y amables.

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Despues de lo que paso con aquella gente ā€œDe la que no me quiero acordarā€¦ā€ Dijo Alfonso Quijana, prefiero hablar con la tienda que compre, a ver que me dicen ellos. Gracias MiG, tu ayuda siempre apreciada. Y no creas que no puedo ver detras de tus criticas y berrinches, se desde lo mas profundo de mi corazon que la unica intencion que tienes es ayudar, aparte de reir un poco. Gracias.

Pero no decĆ­as que le enviaste el email de queja a Cannabiogen?..

But did not you say you sent the Cannabiogen complaint email? ā€¦

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No brother, i made no complaint whatsoever to anybody. I told my story to the guys that sold me the beans, a store i rather not mention until this is resolved. I thought they were CBG but no, itā€™s a store in Colombia that sells beans and they get shipped from Spain. So, iā€™ll tell you more later.

ā€¦Cos it sounds like CannaBioGen sells ya ā€œmaybeā€ old seeds. Not sound likes a Colombian GrowShop has sold ya ā€œmaybeā€ old seedsā€¦

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