Purple_Prince’s anise hunt

I received 4 freebies of Pancakes x Apples and Bananas with my order of ABC seeds. Only 2 survived. The more vigorous plant leans more on the Apple and Bananas side. The runt that died, as well as the one that survived started out with a sweet vanilla scent that slowly morphed into a peppery sweet smell that I couldn’t pin down at first. The dead seedling was much stronger in scent then it died lol. The one runt left has a more faint anise smell to it. I’ll take some pictures and upload some older ones after I repot them. My goal is to use this fem as a mother to start my hunt for anise scented plants. My next step is to train the plant for more branches to work with and take cuttings from. I don’t have time to acquire more seeds to hunt for males since it’s already mid July, I’m in the Northeast, and I’m not planning on running autos. I’ll spend the next 2 months searching for Durban pollen or I’ll use this as an opportunity to learn how to use STS.