Pvogs 2023 Awesomesauce

Sweet job brother.

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Today’s my birthday. Gonna be a soggy one.


So anybody in Western Mass, that has cancer and uses cannabis as a medicine of relief, is welcome to get ahold of me. I have heard of this program that offers free cannabis. I’m not sure if I can even mention this here, but, I guess we’ll see…


Happy Birthday brother! Make it a great one


And we’re off!!! I know it’s early, but I think LST takes a little more time, and I may be able to pull a couple mother’s out of here, except for the Banana Republic, which is a tester for a seed bank. I will be attempting the LST with for maxi-yield.

So this is the Official beginning of the 2023 season. I have some Blueberry to run as a tester also. I seem to have misplaced my Lil brown Book😞 which, sadly has things I need. I’m leaning on wife to help me with the Solos, and mail-outs. But I know I’m behind somewhere.
On a more positive note, I’m sitting up and gonna try to get to the edge of the bed. Wife’s at work so I gotta be careful.


I’ve been trying to figure what i want to put outside. I usually don’t put them out until June or so to keep ‘em from getting too crazy but I’m thinking I’m gonna get a few at the beginning to see what kind of monsters I can come up with lol

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Punch my ticket, I’m all about my Shoreline ECSD, so I’m interested in how others fair.


@Shoreline is the absolute bomb. ECSD is amazing, I got a late start on it last year, but this year is gonna get a lot of attention. As is the Kushmint, Banana Republic, and Wedding Cake. I’ll be dropping it all here, live in color.


I have some testers from shoreline wedding cake x GDP going as well because of how much I loved the ecsd. so since you said WC is good, gives me even more good vibes for the cross!


(Throws down gauntlet)
I challenge you, sir!
<smacks @Spitfire in face with other glove>
We shall meet, on the Cannabis Field, at dawn!!!

See you in the fall my friend… or sooner…


Received some of your magical beans today!
Awesome Sauce made me laugh! :joy:
Thank you!:pray:
So if you have to pick one to grow… which would you pick?
Awesome Sauce? Or Earth Magic? @PioneerValleyOG

Today was a good day! :v::green_heart:


Hmm, hard to say. The Earth Magic is a Shaman cross. Thus the magic. People seem to go bonkers over it.


And so begins a wonderful new life…
Twas the superskunk that popped first. I really hope I didn’t over soak the Bruce Banner and others.


Very early seed pops with Solos. Bruce Banner, Super Skunk, Banana Republic, Sunny Days. Sunny Days by Darkhorse, not sure if it’s the same as the Sunny D.


Wow that should be some killer plants eventually!


Three sprouts in the solos today. 2 SS and a Banana Republic!!


Seeds poppin going into the shoestring phase. It’s still cold, and wife says we keep house at 60° but I covertly up it to 63°, lol. Not popping tooo, too many in case it’s too cold. Although after seeing LDA’s ‘feels like 21’ video, there’s hope. No fancy lights for these baby’s. Just solo cups on an upside down box, and a little help from a heating pad, under the boxes. Not sure if it makes a difference, but we shall see. To those laughing their asses off, see ya in late September…:laughing::laughing::laughing:

Oh yeah, anyone ever have this happen? Doesn’t wanna pop his shell off? Do I assist? Not assist? I feel the plant must do its own thing, and maybe stronger for it.


I always help the shell off now if after 24 hrs I see no growth. My best neviles haze plant shell stayed on for 3 days before I helped it both leaves where white one had started to rot so moved 12in close to light took 2weeks to see growth one of the best plants I ever grown.


I always help them if they have helmet head.
It take’s a sure hand!


I’m going to mist it first, to try and soften the shell a bit. I think after misting it, let it soak a minute or so and then take it off. If I just mist it a few times to try and soften the husk enough for it to pop, I’ll risk the rot of a sensitive stalk in its infancy.