Quantity Vs. Speed :-D

Cannabis synthetic seed:

Seems like a great way to preserve samples.

Paper on artificial seeds and their viability of between 24 hours and 60 days for various crop. Cannabis is listed but does not note viability:
agronomy-07-00071.pdf (1.5 MB)

This master thesis discusses a variety of topics including tissue culturing, encapsulating a tissue culture (synthetic seed), and encapsulation-dehydration. Their study seems to indicate potential viability at 180 days but until I pick through the paper itā€™s not entirely clear. They also discuss quite a few other interesting topics including trichome induction: Cannabinoids production in Cannabis sativa L.: An in vitro approach


Thatā€™s a wicked resource, thanks mate!

Well it would be a whole lot easier that finding accommodation for the ever increasing number of mother plants I seem to be acquiring that is for sure :slight_smile:


The thesis might have sufficient information to give it a try. I may try it sometime later this yearā€¦


Have you any experience/success with tissue culturing Cannabis? And if so do you have a regime that works? Itā€™s on my todo list but working out a successful regime is likely to be a reasonably long winded processes.

I have some experience tissue culturing of orchids, but to do it properly requires a clean room and/or a fume hood and well I already take up enough space in this house with crazy experiments lol

The process itself is straight forward enough, itā€™s the regime of hormones that takes some working out!


Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) is used to encapsulate. As you say the there seems sufficient info to have a crack at it. PEG is also used for mediated cell fusion when creating somatic cell hybrids. This is something else that woudl be worth looking at if there is a lab handy :wink:


No, havenā€™t gone through the process.

Iā€™ve acquired (most) of the equipment and the supplies including hepa filters for a laminar flow box, hormones, sterilization equipment, etc. Just been real busy with others things and havenā€™t gotten around to running through the paces.

The agronomy paper notes (for the callus induction):
MS medium +
3% (w/v) sucrose +
0.8% agar +
0.5 mM (TDZ)

Here is another procedure document (more specifically tuned micro-propagation but the multiplication stage should be the same):
c1850-info_1.pdf (524.7 KB)
For the multiplication medium, in their example, they note something similar along with the addition of NAA (1-Naphthaleneacetic acid).

Reports are that a small amount of plant preservative mixture (PPM) added to the media has been successful for the less than perfectly sterile environments, as well.


Long ago I thought of blackberry/cannabis hybridizationā€¦ unstoppable! :smile:

:joy_cat: KudzuOG



Itā€™s more vicious than that, but the base of the thinking is good.

A breeding program is nothing more than a game of leverages. Understand than by ā€œleveragesā€ the drastic increase of ā€œforcesā€ moving the given genpoolā€™s averages in a way or another : letā€™s say blue buds.

Warning : i expose very partially a method, but itā€™s more a simplified example to make this concept more clear.

Example : You start with unlimited F1s (because you produce them with P1) and you directly kill everything than is not producing blue buds in a large scale (with donā€™t necessary mean a large space), no matter what. After a year, you will finish with a ā€œcompleteā€ set of ā€œblue budsā€ specimens of the genpool. You have to understand first than it is true for a farmer, but not true for a genetician. Iā€™m considering myself as more close to a farmer than anything else.

What ā€œcomplete setā€ mean ? In the spectrum of the ā€œblue budsā€ expression, you will have a panel of different specimens than carry this specific expression. Letā€™s say than somes will be strong and blue, tasteless and blue, vigorous and blue etc ā€¦ this new genpool in only one generation can take naturally hundreds of years with chances to ā€œpopā€ out from the given genpool which are ridiculous.

Thatā€™s the big difference between an open pollination and a breeding program : leverage, then time spended.

Itā€™s useless i think with the level of this post to explain the major priority than is playing resistances, vigor, early effisciency in term of photosynthesis and root development etc ā€¦ in an open pollination.

Seeds always sowed in February for my birthday lol, old stupid tradition ^^ but not entirely ā€œdecidedā€ for the fun of the act.

To donā€™t expose an absolute equation which lead to think than open pollination is a bad tool and is to avoid, i was (unfortunately) ā€œwasā€ using it a lot for my IBLs in the past. I thrown the seeds directly in the ground in a corner of the garden (no pre-germination, no nutrients), and let the most resistant specimens drive the dances. But only to ā€œre-invigorateā€ the highly pressurized lines and eventually to acclimatize it in a given lattitude. The leverages of the breeding was allready working at full throttle in these conditions, so it was not too much destructive for the quality of the buds.

To conclude, i will repeat : Natural selection is not a magical spell than is never failing. Itā€™s exactly the reverse, for one successfull-resistant line you will have a ā€œgenocideā€ as the price. In term of time we are also speaking about multiple human lifespan.

Now you force me to extend my comment to the inherent sexual equilibrium of our ganja ^^ I will keep it short to donā€™t put your brain in a blender with tons of concepts to digest at a time.

Sexual prevalence with cannabis exist, but it change with the lines and the ā€œleveragesā€ you are juggling with. A good farmer will always first consider the males like the ā€œbrothers of their sistersā€ and nothing more, INSIDE the given line.

The ā€œvalorā€ of a given sex for hybridism is another game, to donā€™t mix in mind, and mainly focused on the F1 production and concern mostly the quality of a given sex of a given line when itā€™s facing the gens of a distant genpool.

I consider my Skywalker ibl like a ā€œmaleā€™sā€ line. You cross any weak female with it, even dominant, you end with a narcotic smoke. But the males weight in the inbred selection is equally important than their sisters, if i start to only consider males in this line i will just fade the line in term of potency iā€™m wanting to increase each generation and maintain like that.

In the same vein, it exist ā€œrulesā€ with core lines in term of hybridism. Using a JH male always lead to extend the effect of a given weed, no matter if itā€™s good or not. The use of a MKUltra male will lead to barely the same scenario of the Skywalker, the use of a pure/true Skunk male will lead to increase yield and vigor, the use of a pure/true WW will always lead to dominate the cross expressions ā€¦ etc ā€¦ etc ā€¦

BUT donā€™t take care to donā€™t mix the education on core lines, and the sexual equilibrium of males against females in a given line. Thatā€™s twos different concept and mechanisms.

Thanks buddy, but happy to be retired to be honest ^^

I share you point of view for these news techs, not because iā€™m a ā€œfarmerā€ in the core and than these kind of shortcuts donā€™t please me. With good intentions and balanced knowledges (equally ā€œfarmerā€ and ā€œgeneticianā€), it can lead to a true resurrection of the weed iā€™m loving the most. The one not damaged lol

But because iā€™ve saw years after the years the high damage of the revolution than was the feminized seeds in the global genpool, and than i known a bit now this business in backstage ā€¦ i have no hopes lol

The time to store seeds is over since now barely 20 years, itā€™s more the time to maintain them fresh and alive imho. Itā€™s why also i donā€™t reject this pollen bank idea in the absolute.

You can find an extensive and exhaustive documentation (more available) on it in the bamboo industry, if any. It look like futurist like that but itā€™s old.

Not at all, at the origin. And in term of laws itā€™s very interresting. But we will find a way to screw a bit more the genpool with it iā€™m sure ^^

Take care to consider PEG with its grade only. A PEG400 will be totally useless, you need to go for the purest and higher grade PEG~4000-6000 you can find (mostly south Korean or Japanese).